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"Thanks for taking the photo for me Josh"

He smiled from next to you on your sofa

The two of you had been out all day, not doing anything particularly interesting, really just walking around and eating at some random place and then decided to go back to yours for a while

"So, does Will have a thing for you?"

"Not that I know of, why?"
He turned to face you and sighed

"I was just wondering since I always see him liking and comment things on your Instagram posts"
You laughed

"Just because he's liking my photos doesn't mean he has a thing for me Josh"

"I know"
He sighed and turned around before speaking again
"Has Gee mentioned anything about me or Will to you?"
You narrowed your eyes at him

"No, why would she?"

"No reason"

"Josh you're acting weird"

He sighed before looking down
"I think like, I just want to look out for you"

"Why? Is something happening? Has something happened?"

"No but if you and Will keep getting closer then it will"

"What do you mean"

"I just don't want him to hurt you"

"How would he hurt me?"

"By getting you to sleep with him and then not talking to you again"

"Do you have an issue with me and Will being friends?"

"A little one yeah"
Your eyes widened slightly, you couldn't believe what you were hearing. You stood up

"I think it's time you left"

"What, why?"

"Because I'm not letting you sit there and tell me you don't like me being friends with someone"
He stood up and sighed, you walked over to the door and opened it for him

"Mal please I'm sorry"
You shook your head

"Just go Josh"
He stood in front of you, leaning forward to kiss your cheek but you stepped back before he could
He sighed and left, you slamming the door behind him just as Gee and Will walked out of their flat

Gee spoke looking at him
"How are you? Leaving so soon?"
He frowned and rolled his eyes
"Will you may as well ask Malia if she wants to come and get food with us"
Will smiled at Josh and knocked on your door, you opening it and letting him come in, closing it behind him and leaving Gee and Josh talking out side

"What did you say to Mal?"

"I didn't say anything, whatever happened must've been your own fuck up"

"You must've said something"

"Like I said, she told me about what you said about Will and I told her the truth about how it wasn't true"
Josh just sighed and walked away, not wanting to say anything back and leaving Gee standing in the hall way smiling
She walked over to your door and knocked it, you opening it and she spoke

"I've gotta run, Josh said he needs help with something so I can go to dinner with you two but I You two can still go"
She smiled and left leaving you and Will in your flat

"What do you want to do then?"
You asked and he walked towards you, lightly pressing you back against the wall and smiling

"I have a few ideas"
He whispered lowly before pressing his lips against yours

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