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You were knocked from your thoughts by a knock at your door, standing up and opening it to reveal a smiling Gee

You spoke happily, opening the door wider to let her in then closing it behind her

"How are you?"

"I'm good, you?"

"I'm great"
She smiled as you both sat on your sofa
"So how was your date with Josh last night"

"How did you know about that?"

"Will mentioned he bumped in to you outside our flat when you were leaving to go and meet Josh last night"

"Oh, well it was nice. It went well and we are going on a second one tomorrow"
She smiled excitedly at you

"How does Simon feel about it"

"Josh said he spoke to Simon before asking me out and said Simon had no issue with it. He also said to me that I should give Josh a chance knowing he liked me so I did"

"Are you glad you did?"

"Well it was only the first date, it's too early to tell if I've made a mistake yet"
She laughed and agreed

"Will was being so moody last night, ever since he bumped in to you and then when I told him you were home, he was not happy and I don't know why"
You shrugged, you had heard enough about him and he wasn't even here
"He wanted me to mention that he's coming round when I go back because he said he has something to talk to you about"

"What about?"

"I was going to ask you that, he seemed pretty moody this morning so whatever it is good luck with it"
You smiled
"Although part of me believes, even though he knows about you and Josh going out, that he's going to ask you on a date?"
Your eyes widened slightly, a date with Will? It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world but after what Josh said, right now it would be a definite no


"If he did ask you on a date, would you say yes?"
You shrugged your shoulders

"I mean I'm going out with Josh tomorrow I don't want to seem like I'm leading him on by going out with Will and well I don't think I'd say yes anyway"

"Really? Why?"

"Josh was talking about him last night, how all he wants to do is get girls in to bed and fuck them off after"

"You don't believe him do you?"

"Can you blame me? I only just met him and I don't really have any opinion in that area to go off, if it wasn't true why would Josh say it?"

"It's not true I can confirm that for you and well maybe Josh sees Will as a threat to his chances with you"

"A threat?"
She nodded and laughed

"Maybe he thinks Will is going to come and steal you away"
You laughed this time, nervously
"You know he might and if he does fair enough since what Josh said but just don't mention it to Will. If you really want to know about his past with girls just ask him, he will be honest with you. He said the other day he like being around you, something about you just made him happy and calm almost"
You smiled and blushed

"That's cute"

"Yes it is but I must go"
She said standing up
"I'm going around Josh's and Will is coming down so I shall leave you to it"
You walked her to the door and said goodbye. Smiling after to yourself, before you heard the door knock again

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