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The day had come for you to move out of The Sidemen house and into your own flat, although you had only stayed there for a week or so you couldn't wait to have your own space

You had just pressed the button to call the lift when you heard a voice behind you

"I fucking knew it"
You jumped and turned around to see Will standing behind you with a smile on his face
"Sorry love, you just moved in here didn't you?"

"Yes in fact I did, what did you know?"

"I knew that you would be moving into the same tower as me"

"How did you know that?"

"Educated guess"
He sent you a wink before the lift doors opened and you both stepped in
"What floor are you going to?"

His eyes widened
You laughed

"I live on floor seven"

"Now I just think you are lying to me"
He shook his head and laugh

"Fortunately, I'm not"


"It just means you get to spend more time with me"
He leaned against the side of the lift and smiled cheekily at you

"How do you even know that I would want to?"
He shrugged his shoulders

"Do you?"

"I mean, it wouldn't hurt to be around you"

"See was I wrong?"
You shook your head as the door opened. You walked over to your flat and unlocked it, seeing Will had gone to the one a two doors down

"If you need a hand don't be afraid to knock on"
You smiled

"Thanks Will"

"Anytime Lia"

You walked in seeing the room already furnished, the boys at the house had come down with you the night before to finish it off before you'd officially move it
You weren't sure how you didn't notice Will lived in the same floor nor did you know why none of them told you

It wasn't long until you had a knock at your door, standing up and walking over to your door and opening it to reveal Gee, Will and Chip

Gee exclaimed pulling you in for a hug making the boys chuckle and you hug back instantly

"I've missed you"
You spoke pulling out of the hug making her smile

"I've missed you too"I
She smiled brightly and you invited them in

"Struggling to avoid me?"
Will spoke up from next to you and Gee and Chip Wales further into your flat

"Why would I be avoiding you?"

"Because your brother wants you to"

"He never told me to avoid you, he never even told me that I'd be moving in near you well actually none of them did"

"For good reasons I guess"
You shrugged

"I'm not so sure, Simon is just protective over me. I guess the guys just took up that roll too"
He chuckled and and gently patted your shoulder

"It'll be nice to get to know you without your brother and his friends constantly watching me"

"Yes it will"

"So maybe we could go out somewhere, as friends and just speak a little more since apparently I'm the only one who never knew about you"
You turned and smiled at him

"That would be nice Will"
He smiled and grabbed your arm before you walked away

"Can I have your number?"

"Of course"
You smiled and took his phone, entering his number and him doing the same to yours before you both walked over the where Gee and Chip were settled on the sofa laughing to themselves

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