• 18 •

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You weren't sure how the date was going to go, Josh texting you telling you he was outside minutes ago and you were still yet to leave your flat
Bucking up your confidence you approached your door and locked it behind you, walking to the lift and not looking where you were walking, you bumping straight into a hard chest knocking you back slightly before a large hand grabbed you to stop you from falling

You whimpered, your head hitting off of his chin sending waves pain through it

"It's fine, are you okay?"
The familiar soft voice ran through your head, Will. You looked up and sent him a soft smile

"I'm fine I think"
His hand moved off of your arm and he smiled at you

"Are you sure? You've got a pretty nasty red mark on your head"
You frowned and got a mirror out of your bag, a red mark in the middle of your head

"Nothing a little makeup can't fix I guess"

"So, going on a date with Josh?"
You narrowed your eyes at him, you didn't remember telling anyone about it

"How did you know"

"Bump into him outside and he mentioned it"

"Oh right, I should really go I've kept him waiting a while"

"Right yeah, have fun"

"Thanks Will, I'll try"
You smiled before getting into the lift and pressing the button that takes you to the ground floor
The lift opened and you walked out the building and spotted Josh standing next to an Über

"Been a while since I've seen you"

"It's good to see you Josh"

"You look gorgeous"

"And you look just as dashing"
You giggled at you own words before the both of you jumped into the Über
"So, mind telling me where we are going"

"It's pretty standard and cliche but I was hoping we could go and get food and then just go and get some drinks or something, we can do something else if you don't want to"

"No no it's fine that sounds lovely Josh"
He smiled at your words

"I'm glad, I've been nervous for tonight"

"You only asked me yesterday, please don't tell me you've been stressing about this all night"
He laughed

"Well actually I've been nervous for a few days since I planned to ask you next week at Will's, like I said but I just thought fuck it I'll go for it and I was honestly expecting you to say no and I'd just be embarrassing myself but you said yes and I'm so happy you said yes and I was so happy and excited I ended pulling up overthinking things for the date and got my self all worked up and nervous"

"You have no reason to be nervous, honestly"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course it's only me, we've been together tons of times before"

"Yes we have but not under this circumstance"

"What would you say this circumstance is?"

"Me trying to impress you and not come off as a right dick"
You giggled and he smiled at you

"Trust me you won't, I'm excited for this date. I haven't seen you in ages and a catch up is always nice, especially on a first date"

"I'm very happy you feel that way"
He spoke just as the Über came to a stop, Josh mentioning to you hat you had reached the destination. You both thanked the driver and jumped out, a cute little restaurant standing brightly at the end of the street

"Have you been here before?"
You shook your head

"Have you?"
He nodded
"Is it good?"

"Very, I've came here a few times with Joe and Caspar and every time I ate here the food has been unreal and I've always wanted to bring a girl here I just never have, I guess you are the chosen one"
You giggled as you both walked into the restaurant, him holding the door open for you and you happily saying thank you
He brought you to the side of the restaurant your booth by a window that showed a beautiful view of the stars brightly covering and lighting up the dark night sky

"How has things been at your new flat, settling in to London well?"

"Yes very well and I like the flat, it's cosy and just perfect for me"

"That's nice to hear, I'm glad you are settling in well"
Your food came quite quick after ordering it, both of you began eating and continued talking

"So, may I ask why you thought I was going to say no to this date?"
He smiled nervously

"I mean I just thought you would've said no or one of the other boys would've went for you"

"No they wouldn't"

"Yeah I heard your brother is a bit over protective when it comes to his friends and you, I'm not surprised I've seen the way some of those boys act. Especially Cal and Will, those two will drop everything for a quick fuck, it's not just them but those boys are really the 'fuck and chuck' kinda guys if you get me"
Your eyes widened and you laughed slightly

"Jesus, then I'm not surprised he didn't want me near them. Who told you Simon was over protective?"

"Simon actually mentioned it to me, he mentioned how over protective he has been and still is if you purely because of what his friends are like and how he doesn't want you to get hurt by one because all they'd want from you is sex and nothing more"

"What's different about you then? Why is he okay with letting you take me out"?"

"I guess he knows I'm not the type to fuck over girls and I don't like hurting people"
You smiled and looked down, placing your knife and fork on your plate signalling you were finished, Josh copying your movements and calling over the bill. Quickly placing his card on to the card machine before you could challenge him

"Thank you for tonight"
You spoke as you both left the restaurant, Josh turning and smiling at you

"I've had a great time Mal"

"I also have had a great time"
He smiled and opened his arms out, pulling you in to a hug

"Are you okay to get an Über back alone or do you want me to come with you?"

"I'll be okay"
You spoke pulling out your phone and ordering yourself an Über, saying it'll arrive pretty quick and it did
"Thanks again Josh I've had a nice time"

"Me too, we should do it again"

"Text me when"
You spoke before getting into the Über and starting your short journey home.

Once home you got changed and got in to bed, not wanting to do anything else since it was now last midnight and being out just made you tired
You were laying there, your eyes slowly closing until you heard the familiar ding of your iPhone receiving a message


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