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JJ screamed as he woke you up, the door of the spare room you were staying in being flung open with JJ's loud voice following it

"Fucking hell JJ what time is it"

"Like 8 am"

"Why are you waking me up at 8 in the morning"
He smiled

You sighed and sat up

"Excited much?"
He laughed and nodded

"Can you tell?"

"Just a bit, now leave so I can get dressed"
He nodded and left the room, you got up and got changed and then went downstairs

"You're up early"
Simon said as he saw you walk in to the kitchen and sit down

"Well so are you"

"JJ's excited to go to Ibiza tomorrow, he woke me up when he was shouting it to you so I decided to stay awake"

"Yeah he is quite excited"
You heard JJ's laugh slowly getting louder as he ran in to the kitchen

"I accidentally woke Vik up and now he's shouting at me"
You laughed

"Stop shouting yourself then"

"What time are you going home?"
Simon asked, turning to you

"Whenever, I should really pack so I may just go now"

"Do you want a lift back?"

"If you wouldn't mind"

"Not at all, go and get your things and then we can go"
You sent him a smile

"Thanks Si"
You walked up stairs to the room you were staying in, collecting you things and tidying the room up before leaving and going back to Simon


"Yes, see you tomorrow JJ"
You spoke before you and Simon left the house and got in to his car

"Excited to go away tomorrow? I know JJ is"
You laughed



"Obviously I'm excited to go away with my friends and go to a nice hot country and relax and have fun but at the same time I'm just a little worried that it'll be awkward be awkward between me and Josh"

"But you're going to sort it out aren't you"

"Of course I am, it just won't be my fault if he walks in on something he doesn't want to see"

"Are you and Will sharing a room?"


"Can't you just keep anything you're doing to just that room?"

"I could try if I wanted to but what would be the point of that and besides, it's not my fault if he's touchy with me"

"Is he touchy with you?"

"Quite a bit yes"

"Can't you just tell him not to be"

"I have no issue with his touchiness Simon"

"Right, just be nice to the guy and make sure Will is too"

"He will be don't worry"

"Sorry It's Just Josh is a friend and I know Will is too but I guess it's just gonna be hard for him to take it in that you didn't choose him"

"I didn't choose anyone, it wasn't exactly a choice, Josh was too much for me and I'm sure he'll find someone soon"
It wasn't long after that, that you pulled up outside your building
"Thanks for letting me stay last night"

"It's no issue, you're my sister, you're always welcome round the Sidemen house"

"Thank you"

"Have fun in your holiday and I'll see you soon"

"See ya"
You spoke jumping out of his car, the cold hitting you instantly
You put your old up and looked down whilst you were walking, which was something you instantly regretted a when you got close to the doors of the tower you crashed right in to somebody, hearing an apology and instantly recognising the voice

"Shit Sorry"
You heard and looked up, your eyes meeting Will's as he smiled
"Fancy seeing you here" you laughed as he opened the door and you both walked in to the tower

"What are you doing out so early"

"I just went to the shops, why are you back so early"

"JJ woke me up so I decided I should really come home and pack"
You spoke as the two of you walked towards the lift, pressing the button and having it open almost instantly.
You both walked in and he pressed the button for your floor, he turned to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing you back against the wall of the lift and ghosting his lips over yours before your arms slid around his neck and pushed them together, your lips slowly moving together as one of his hands dropped down and lightly squeezed your ass making you giggle in to the kiss before pulling away just as the door opened

"Stay here for a sec"
He spoke as the two of you stepped out of the lift, he walked over to his door and unlocked it, walking in and placing the bag inside before walking out and closing the door
"Why don't I help you pack?"
He asked as he followed you in to you're flat and closed the door behind him
You took your coat off and looked at him

"Because you'll distract me"
You spoke walking in to your bedroom, getting your suitcase out and putting it open on the floor

"But what's wrong with that?"
He asked as he wrapped his arms around you from behind and pulled your back against his chest, his lips ghosted over your neck as he spoke lowly
"There's nothing wrong with taking little breaks after a while"
You turned around in his arms and wrapped your around his neck

"We can't take a break if we haven't even started"

"Well then let's get started to we can take a break"
You giggled and let go of him, going over to your wardrobe and pulled out a few items of clothing, folding them and placing them in your suit case before getting interrupted by Will once more, his arms sliding back around your waist and pulling you back in to him
"Can we take a break now?"
You looked up at him

"What does this break consist of?"

"Anything you want it too baby"

"What do you want it to consist of?"
He chuckled and pushed you down to lie on the bed before hovering over you

"I can think of a few things"

Sorryyy for not updating recently, my updates should become more regular now hopefully. But once again sorry

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