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You spoke quietly as you and the girls walked in to the living room area of the villa, them going and sitting down and you staying by the door that lead to the garden. All the boys looking over to you as you made eye contact with Josh

He replied, his voice just as quiet as yours

"Can we talk please?"
He nodded and stood up, following you outside, sitting on one of the sun chairs as he followed suit, sitting on the one next to it as you both faced each other

"What's up?"
He asked looking at you

"Are we okay to be friends?"
He smiled, a smile that didn't reach his eyes

"I guess so"

"I'm sorry for what happened"
He shrugged his shoulders

"I should've just went with you, out fo Will's flat so we could talk, it shouldn't have been in front of the boys"
You frowned and looked down

"Did I embarrass you?"
He thought for a moment before replying

"A little, even though it was only in front of your brother, having all your friends find out the girl you're in to and going on dates with is being fucked by your mate, it's not the best thing to hear. But we weren't together, I was seeing another girl, you were seeing another boy, it's no issue"

"If you were seeing another girl why were you so caught up about me and Will?"
He sighed

"Because I had. I have genuine feelings for you and she was just someone I was seeing because I was bored and I knew you were with Will and I didn't want to think about the things you two could've been doing"
You frowned again

"I'm sorry if I hurt you Josh, at one point my feelings for you were there, they were 100% genuine but the closer I got to Will and the further away you pushed me from you because all you spoke about was Will and constantly bitched about me being around him, made me loose all of those feelings and well, instead I guess I gained them for Will"

"Can you at least honestly answer me one thing?"

"Sure what is it?"

"What does he have, that I don't? What makes him so amazing that you just had to go for him and throw me to the side?"

"I don't know"
You mumbled quietly
"I just really like him Josh"

"Was it because you two had sex? How many times have you two even had sex?"

"Maybe I don't know and twice, the first time was the day we first spoke again, when you asked if I had moved in near him and the other was well, yesterday"
Your voice quietened, almost to a whisper when you spoke the last word

"So you never actually done anything with him during the time we went on dates?
You laughed nervously

"I mean we kissed a few times and done something, not necessarily have full on sex but a sexual act"

"I don't even wanna hear about it"

You whispered, not wanting to tell him about the time when the three of you went to eat and he got you off and kissed you whilst you were all out

"You know Mal, you're an amazing girl and I'm blessed to have you in my life"
He sighed and looked down
"But I don't think I can be friends with you"
You frowned at him

"But why?"

"Because my feelings for you are too strong to just straight out hide"

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