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"Hi Mal"
Josh spoke as he walked further in to Will's flat

"Hi Josh"
You gave him a small smile

"Thought you were going to come around when Simon was here to help him film?"

"I was, I came around to help Will out and from the time it got to I decided that there'd be no point leaving just to come back"

"But you only live like across the hall"

"Still though I would be leaving to just come straight back, it's no issue Will didn't mind"

"Course I didn't"
Will smiled at the two of you as Josh sighed and sat down, you and Will both following suit but sitting on the sofa facing Josh

"How long did you say Simon would be?"

"He said he'd be another like half an hour"
You took your phone from your pocket and checked he time

"I thought you said that they were coming at 12?"
You asked, turning to Will

"I did, is it not 12?"

"No it's half eleven, so Josh you're early"

"Am I, I thought you said half eleven not 12, no wonder Simon is coming after me and anyway aren't you hear a little earlier?"

"Josh I already told you I came here to help Will and decided to stay, it's not that deep get over it"

"I'm just gonna pop to the toilet"
Josh spoke, standing up and leaving the room

"Someone's being bitchy today"
Will spoke up, you turned to face him

"I really do hope you are talking about Josh and not me"
He chuckled loudly

"I feel like you might shout at me if I said it was about you"
You giggled this time
"I was talking about Josh but you do just seem a little agitated I guess, like everything Josh is saying is bothering you"

"That's because it is Will"

"What is he doing to bother you so bad?"

"Everything he said man, he came here half an hour early and claimed it's because he misheard you and when he would not at all shut up about me being here, he has such a fucking problem with me being around you it just gets under my skin"

"Okay, keep your voice down, keep your head on and calm down a little babe"
You frowned as Josh walked back in to the room and the front door knocked
"That should be Simon"
Will spoke, standing up to go and open the door that revealed a smiling Simon

"Is Mal already here I tried knocking on for her but she didn't answer"
Will smiled at him and let him in

"She's over there"
Simon walked further in to the flat, greeting both Will and Josh on the way in before walking over to you

"I wasn't expecting you to be here before me"
You rolled your eyes already sick of hearing this from Josh a few times

"I helped Will out and decided I'd stay, is that a problem?"
You accidentally spat out, Simon shook his head and turned away from you and towards Josh, Will raised his eyebrows at the cold tone that laced your voice

"You alright Mal?"
Josh asked looking over to you

"I'm fine"
You mumbled, looking at the three of them, your eyes lingering a while long on Will before turning your head when his eyes met your gaze
"Are you'd three ready to start filming?"
They nodded and Simon handed you a camera

"You know what to do"
You smiled as the three boys sat down and began recording whatever videos they had planned whilst you filmed from a separate angle that the camera they had set up was in
The recording went on for a few hours, your eyes meeting Will's many times during those hours as you often caught his eyes slyly watching you whilst one of the other boys were talking before he break himself from his gaze and turn to the boys to continue speaking, the same happened with Josh, trying to avoid Josh's gaze as much as you can as you'd finally decided you'd be straight with him today
Once they'd finished filming, you turned to Josh

"Can we go and talk now?"

"I thought you didn't want to"

"Well I Do now and it's important"

"Why can't you just say it here, in front of Will and Simon"

"See I have no issue in doing that but let's face it you are the one who messaged me before you got here asking if you could go to mine after you have finished filming so we can talk but if you don't mind talking in front of them, go ahead, tell me what you wanted to talk about"
He looked down, Simon's eyes widened as Will rolled his

"I told you, I wanted to talk about us"

"Josh, there is no us and you know it"
He looked up as Simon's eyes widened even more and his lips parted as he watched the scene unfold in front of him

"What do you mean Mal?"

"Come on Josh you know exactly what I mean, Ive been subtly saying this for days, I've been trying to let you down easy but fuck me you can't take a hint. Like last night, I said maybe I'd go on a date with you after we all go away I didn't say I definitely would yet you are there telling everyone that 'we are okay man, just taking a short break we will go out again soon' well no. I don't want to go out with you again"

"I took maybe as a yes because I genuinely thought it would be a yes, and why not Mal, what's standing in your way? Is it Will, it probably is isn't it? This whole time you two have just been so close it's almost obvious that there's something going on. It's like you really are leaving me for him even though you said you wouldn't"

"I'll tell you something now, it's not Will that's making me do this, it's not anybody but myself. You're suffocating me with every single question you ask every single time we go out and see each other, it's always "you two are pretty close" and "I see him as a treat" and oh god today you just got under my skin so bad, constantly asking me over and over why I'm here before Simon. We are friends Josh I'm going to come and see him once in a while, I live on this fucking floor what do you expect me to do just ignore him every day of my life? And Jesus I'm not leaving you for anybody, I was straight with you yesterday. If anything happens between me and Will it happens, get over for fucks sake"

"But I thought you did have feelings for me, are they just gone now? Has he made them go away?"

"I said I had small feelings for you, after thinking I realised they are gone and oh gosh not every single small detail is about Will, why are you obsessing over him so much like he is literally right next to you if you wanted to talk about Will talk about him to him instead of me because I'm sick on you constantly going on about him. Talking shit that you and Simon have both said to me and I've chosen to no believe because we do talk, we do see each other a lot, we are around each other's flats a lot and he is nothing like either of you described"

"Sorry to interrupt, but you went behind my back to see him? After I specifically told you not to?"

"Simon you're my brother not my dad, I can do what I want, I'm close friends with his roommate so initially I'm going to end up being close friends with him too"
You sighed and looked down
"I'm going to go now, please can no body follow me or come to my flat tonight, I just want to be alone"
You spoke, feeling your eyes well up and tears threaten to spill as you rushed out of Will's flat and in to your own, locking the door behind you and collapsing on your bed, thinking over everything you just said and how you probably should regret it yet you don't regret it at all

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