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"How was filming?"
Will asked as he walked through your door

"Same as usual, I just held the camera whilst him and JJ messed around for a while"
He smiled and followed you to your sofa where you had settled under a soft blanket, him following suit and collapsing next to you

"So what have you planned for tonight?"

"I haven't planned anything, I was just hoping you'd find a film for us to watch on Netflix or something"
He laughed and turned his head to you

"Are you trying to Netflix and chill with me 'or something'"

You muttered under your breath making him laugh

"Well you never answered"

"Let's go with 'or something'"

"Come on babe that could mean anything"
You laughed and turned your head to see he was already looking at you

"Sorry babe"
He sent you a smile
"Are you really sure that you're not the horny male friend my brother didn't want me near"

"I'm a good guy man I don't just look for sex"

"And I believe you but my brother has taken more of a liking to Joshua Pieters than you"
He narrowed his eyes at you

"What about Josh?"

"I'm not sure, Simon was talking about how he was a great guy and that I should speak to him when he's at yours filming next week"

"Seems like Simon is trying to set you up with him"

"He is" you laughed "he told me I should give him a chance"

"Are you going to?"

"I'm not sure, he noticeably had a thing for me the last time I was down in London. Now I live here it's be easier to have a relationship but he's just never been someone is go for"

"How come?"

"He's lovely, but he's just so nice to me it's like he's afraid to say anything slightly mean because he thinks it'll hurt my feelings and I'll tell him to fuck off. He's just too gentle for me"

You nod your head

"He's a funny guy, he makes me laugh whenever I see him. He's kind but too kind he won't make any digs at me even for a joke and when he does he apologises straight after and like yes he's an attractive guy and it's not about looks but I don't exactly get all tingly when I look at him"

"So there's no" he paused for a moment "sexual attraction towards him, when look at him you don't just feel like ripping his clothes off?"
You shook your head and laughed at his words

"I just think he's attractive in some ways, I don't feel anything when I look at him"

"Do you feel anything when you look at me"
Your eyes widened slightly at the question, your heart beat speeding up slightly as your blood turned hot and rushed to your cheeks, a blush rising on them

"Wouldn't you like to know"
His arm went around the back of the sofa behind you and he turned his body to look at you

"I mean I could tell you how I feel when I look at you after you tell me"
He sent you a cheeky smirk and chuckled

"Oh please, I can tell yours just from how you act with me"

"Is that so?"
You nodded
"Enlighten me then princess"

"Well going from things you've said and non stop flirtatious attitude you've had towards me, you think I'm Simon's hot secret sister and you are his horny friend that wouldn't mind shagging me"
He chuckled

"I think you will find the majority of Simon's friends are horny and wouldn't mind shagging you"

"So I got it spot on"
He never said anything, just laughing slightly
"Since I done so well with you I think you could at least try and guess mine"
He thought for a moment before smiling

"I would like to say you think I'm Simon's hottest friend and wouldn't mind shagging me either but for some reason, I don't think it's true"
You laughed and blushed slightly

"Why not?"

"Because If Josh isn't your type then I'm certainly not"

"Yet you and Josh are nothing alike Will"

"Are we not?"
You shook your head
"What's different then?"

"So many things. You're very noticeably a funny guy, you easily make people laugh and smile. You a good heart I guess, from what I've seen in your videos you don't really take shit from people which is good and then there's just the obvious one. You very much have that Tall, Dark and Handsome look going on for you"

"You've seen my videos?"

"A few, Simon uploaded his one with you yesterday and your channel link was in the description so I decided to check it out"

"Oh god"
He breathed covering his face with his hands and laughing

"You're a funny guy, some of your videos really did crack me up"
He let out a breath

"Thank you"
You smiled at him
"So, Tall, Dark and Handsome yeah?"
It was your turn to cover your face now

"It's true"

"So you do find me attractive then"

"I'm not going to sit and deny the fact I do"

"What am I supposed to do with this information, you know knowing you secretly just want me to fuck you"

"Keep it in your memory, maybe one day when you're feeling lonely you can come over and we can sort something out"
You laughed, he knew you were joking. Yet he didn't want you to be

"What if I'm feeling lonely now"
You looked up at him shocked, your eyes wide and his darkened. A serious look on his face, he looked like he was undressing you with his eyes and you couldn't lie about how turned on it was making you. You could feel yourself grow wet, your breathing got heavier and you began to fluster under his gaze, with a burst of confidence you spoke back

"I guess we better sort something out then"


Thank you for 2K reads❤️it means a lot to know so many people are enjoying my writing😅

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