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For the next few hours all the three boys could do was panic, Josh has sat down when you left and there wasn't much he could do put replay your words in his head before Simon broke him from his thoughts

"When do you think she is going to come back?"

"I highly doubt she's going to come back, she said she wanted to be left alone, I can go and check on her later you know, she lives on this floor I wouldn't have to go far to see her"
Simon shot Will a look as he spoke

"If anyone was to go round there it would be Josh, he needs to go and sort this out with her"

"Josh doesn't need to do anything, by the look of it she doesn't want to talk to him fuck she doesn't want to talk to any of us"

"And who's fault is that?"

"Not mine, I didn't even speak during it"

"Will I don't want you around my sister, I don't want you to touch my sister, I don't even want you to talk to my sister"
Will rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone, leaving the conversation with Simon and starting one with you

Please answer me

What is it Will?

I just wanted to know
that are okay

Why wouldn't I be?

Because you were crying
before you left

I didn't realise you saw

I think we all saw, are
you okay?

I'm okay Will, I promise

You really went off at

Was I too harsh?

Not at all, I mean he hasn't
really spoken since you left
but Simon is really not happy
with me

Why not?

I think he is blaming me
for everything that you

That's not fair

Can you please come back
over? For me?

I don't know if I want to

Not even for me?

I'm sorry I really don't
want to see Josh nor Simon

It's okay, I understand

You can come round after if
you'd like?

I mean I should probably
edit this video later but
I'll see you tomorrow okay?
Read at 16:46

"You're talking to Mal aren't you?"
Simon asked, breaking Will from his gaze on his phone

"I was, why?"

"Did I not just tell you to not talk to her?"

"You said you didn't want me to, you didn't say i couldn't and anyway she left crying I just wanted to know if she was okay"
Simon frowned, he never saw you crying

"She was crying?"

"You mean you didn't notice?"

"I didn't notice either"
Josh spoke up, frowning as well

"What do you mean you didn't notice?"

"I didn't see her crying Will"

"She literally left with tears falling from her eyes, she was upset man as far as I'm concerned she wants to be left alone and I don't think any of us she go over to her tonight"
Will frowned at his own words, knowing he had just said no to being able to comfort you tonight and how you blatantly ignored his message

"But she's my sister Will do you not understand? If she's upset she should talk to me"

"But she wants to be left alone, she literally said she didn't want any of us over at her door tonight, what is so hard to understand about any of what I'm saying?"

"What about Josh though? She's basically his girlfriend"

"She's far from it actually"
Simon rolled his eyes at Will

"What are you? Jealous or something? Why can't you be happy for them"

"I'm sorry but did you not just hear everything that she just said? She literally just said she doesn't want to see him anymore, from my perspective it very much means that she does not want to see him anymore. No more dates. No more trying to kiss her, none of it"
Will sighed as Simon stood up
"I think you should just go Simon, just go home, find something to do just please stop bothering me and don't go and bother your sister either"

"What about Josh?"

"I'll come with you"
Josh said standing up
"But I have a few things to say and I have a few questions first, all for Will"

Will spoke unsurely

"Have you and Malia ever kissed?"
Will nodded, Simon's mouth opening to speak but Josh pushing him down on to the sofa to shut him up
"How many times?"

"Quite a few"

"Have you kissed today?"
Will nodded once again
"Did you stay at hers last night?"

"She asked me to, so I did"

"Why were you even round there"

"Because I needed to tell her something"

"What was it?"

"That I had gained feelings for her"

"Did you say it straight up like that? How did she take it?"

"We were speaking and she was upset because of you and she was on about how she likes someone who's not you and how she doesn't think the guy wants anything other than sex, I grew to know she was on about me so I was straight with her and told her I had feelings for her too and she was happy"
Will sighed as Josh frowned
"Look I don't know why the fuck you're asking me so many questions, it's not that deep"

"I just have one more question and then we will go, Si you're probably not going to want to hear this one"
Will nodded as Simon stood up

"Why not?"

"Because I want to know if he has had sex with Mal"

"It happened once, I was at hers and it just kind of happened"

"Is that the only time it happened?"

At this point Simon had left? Not wanting to hear anything else about you from his friend, josh was soon to follow through and leave, not saying anything back to Will after he admitted that because truthfully, he had nothing to say.

You had heard the two boys leave, hearing slight anger lacing through Simon's voice as he got closer to your door, knocking it loudly and saying

"Malia, open the door we need to talk"
You ignored it, standing up and bringing yourself in to your bedroom and getting in to bed, sitting and thinking for over an hour have you a headache and Simon's constant banging on the door wasn't helping so you decided to just sleep and forget about all the problems that had arose from the day

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