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"Your Instagram comments are not at all happy with you"
Gee laughed as she read through them
"Will could do so much better than her why is he wasting his time with such a fake bitch"

"Jesus Christ"
You laughed and shook your head
"Some people are insane"

Sarah added in, laughing too

"He asked me out on a date"
You said, changing the conversation quickly, both of the girls having large growing smiles on their faces

"Wait really?"
Gee asked, an excited tone lacing through her voice

"Yes, he said he wants to spend the day with me tomorrow and I said like a date and he said no it's not like a date it is a date"
They smiled at you

"Finally. All that worrying you done was for nothing, it was obvious it was going to happen since it was obvious that he liked you"
Sarah spoke
The three of you were in you and Will's shared room, sitting on the beds as the boys were all in the main villa

"Do you know where you're going?"
You shook your head

"He never said, he just said that he wants to go out tomorrow"
The two girls squealed as you laughed at their reaction

"I'm so excited for you"
Gee spoke, smiling brightly at you

You laughed

"Because I know you've been wanting this since you met him and now you finally have it, I mean that whole Josh situation was so messy but it can all be forgotten about now and you can just leave that behind and go with Will"

"The situation will be forgotten when Josh starts acting normal with me again"

"Have you spoken to him yet?"
You shook your head

"Not yet no"

"Do you know what you're gonna say when you do?"
You shrugged

"I don't know, I guess I'll just ask if we can be friends and only friends"

"Unless you change your mind"
Sarah spoke, Gee turning to her with a harsh look in her eyes

"She wouldn't need to, She has Will now"
You laughed and looked down

"I don't have him guys"

"But you will, really really soon"

"How do you even know that?"

"Because he is practically in love with you"
You laughed and shook your head

"I think that's a slight over exaggeration"
You said and the girls laughed

"Okay maybe not in love with you, not yet, just has quite strong feelings for you"
You smiled at them
"Strong feelings we both know you reciprocate"

"It's true, I do"


In the living room, the boys seemed to have the same conversation on their mind

"Did you ask her?"
Freezy asked Will as he sat down
He nodded

"I did, she said yes and we are going out tomorrow"

"Do you know where you're taking her yet?"

"I have no fucking clue"
JJ's laughter rang through the villa as he spoke up

"I think you should've decided that before asking her"
Will smiled and laughed

"I should've, but I guess I just wanted to ask her as soon as possible, I just wanted to see if she would actually say yes and she did"

"Bro it was obvious she was gonna say yes, we all know how much she likes you"
Chip spoke, Will's eyes darted to Josh for a moment, sitting on the sofa next to Chip, looking down at his phone and not contributing a word to the conversation, not that he expected him to. Not after what happened

"Smash this date and soon you'll be smashing her"
Freezy spoke making the boys laugh, all but Josh

"He already is man, keep up"
JJ said as the boys laughed again and moved on to a random conversation topic

50k is fucking mad smdkkeoros thank you so much😭❤️

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