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"So what did you want to talk about"
You asked Josh as you walked into your flat

"Us? You and Will? If you are just going to pie me off to be with him?"

"One at a time please"
You spoke sitting down on your sofa, him following suit

"Let's start with you and Will"

"There is no me and Will"

"It doesn't seem that way"

"What do you mean?"

"From my point of view it seems like you two are a thing from how close you are, sitting with him whispering in the back of the taxi, sitting whispering with him whilst at dinner, how do you think I feel"

"I thought you wouldn't care? We are friends Josh you need to chill"

"Fine then but at least explain what's happening between us"

"I don't know, you annoyed me today talking about Will and now you're back at my flat talking about him what the fuck is your problem"

"I'm sorry"
He sighed
"I was just a little jealous because your two are so close and I feel like he's just going to take my chances with you away from me"

"Don't be silly Josh, why do you think I've been going on dates with you. Besides no offence but we are only going on dates it's not like we are together in reality I'm just letting what happens happen"

"So something could happen between you two?"

"It could, just like something could happen between us, I'm not ruling anything out"

"Just be honest with me for a moment, do you have any feelings for him?"
You sighed and looked down

"I'm not going to lie I do a little yeah"
He sighed this time

"Do you have feelings for me"

"It's the same, I do a little yeah and I'm going to be honest here I think my feelings for Will are stronger but I can't see anything happening with him"
He frowned

"Because of me?"
You looked up at him

"No, because of him. He just doesn't seem like he wants a girlfriend or anything like that"

"Just like what I said"

"Yeah I guess, Gee was very convinced he wasn't like that though, that's why I was confused"
He shrugged his shoulders

"Do you think you would want to go on another date with me"
You nodded and sighed

"Josh I think we should leave it for awhile, maybe until after the Ibiza trip?"

"You know I can make you forget about him "

"Maybe I'm just not ready to yet"

"I should go, I'll see you tomorrow Mal"
You stood up and walked him to the door, his hands sitting on your waist as he smiled at you
"Thank you for taking time to talk to me, I'm glad we've made up"
You smiled up at him as he leaned down, his lips softly pressing against yours before pulling away

"I'll see you tomorrow"
With that he left, you sighed, closing your eyes and sinking back against the door. Fuck

Thank you for 10k reads lovies❤️☺️

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