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You hadn't bothered getting dressed, putting on a dressing gown when Will knocked the door just to answer it before taking it off and getting back into bed, Will sitting up against the head board next to you.

"What's up"
You spoke, your head resting on his thigh as his fingers went through your hair

"Josh messaged me"

"What did he want"

"Well he mentioned that you said you don't want to go out on any dates with him until after the Ibiza trip"

"I didn't say I was going to go on dates with him after the trip I said I may but I just don't know"

"Why don't you know"

"I just can't be bothered, we aren't even together and he's acting jealous"

"I think he just cares"

"I wouldn't care if he went on a date with another girl"

"That's you though, you don't know how he feels"

"I do, he told me and he said he's worried you're gonna stand in the way of his chances with me but fuck he's doing it himself"

"Calm done a little, I'm sure he means well"
You shrugged and sighed

"Can you cuddle me?"


"Because I'm sad"
He frowned and moved down the bed, settling under the blankets and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you in to his chest

"Why are you sad?"
He ran his hand down your back, soothingly

"I don't know I just feel sad"
He frowned and pressed a soft kiss on your head
"Did Josh say anything else to you?"

"He mentioned you two kissed but you already mentioned that"
You frowned

"It was nothing, I don't know why it happened, he kissed me and then left"

"And he said you were confused about your feelings, like you said you were to me but you never told me what you meant, so what did you mean"

"I just, don't know where my head is at. Like I do like Josh but not a lot"

"Guessing there's someone you do like then"

"There is But I just don't think it would work"

"Why not?"

"Because I'm pretty sure he doesn't want a girlfriend and I'm convinced he doesn't have feelings for me"

"What makes you think that"

"Because he's just so sexual with me like everything between us is basically based off of sex and fuck me I don't know what to do"
He moved you up the bed, having you face to face with him, he spoke

You took a deep breath


"Is like what you explained, is it me?"
You closed your eyes and looked down
"Please look at me"
You looked up and smiled softly

"It is"
He smiled and pressed his lips against yours, briefly before pulling away

"That's cute but what makes you think I don't have feelings for you?"

"Because everything between us, that's happens between us and the way talk and act towards me is so sexual it just makes me feel there's no real feeling but lust there"
He frowned

"Does that mean you won't believe me if I say I have feelings for you?"
You shrugged
"Because I do, I went to Cal's to talk to him about you because I didn't know what to do, I panicked after we kissed at the restaurant especially after I got you off there"

"You spoke to him about me?"
He nodded

"He said I was being a dick and should just tell you, I told him to invite you to Ibiza because I was going to tell you then and especially after I found out you were going to stop seeing Josh for a while"

"He said you were happy about it"

"I was, I am"

"You wanted me to go to Ibiza"
He nodded

"I also helped Cal pick out a villa and there's a small building in the garden with two beds and a bathroom in and well because he's deciding what room everyone sleeps in I got him to put us in there"

"That's adorable"
He smiled and laughed

"I can cancel it if you want and get you your own room"

"No, no I don't want you too, I want to stay with you"
He smiled and kissed you again, the kiss slow and long lasting.

"I should go"
He whispered, his lips gently pressed against yours

"Please stay, just for a while"
He nodded and put more force in to the kiss, holding you tighter in his arms, you pulled away

"Does this mean if I ask you on a date you will say yes?"

"I mean yes of course I'll say yes but can we just not tell anyone? Simon found out about what I said to Josh and he was going off about you, Josh will go off about you and I can't be bothered with all that"

"Of course, we are going to have to tell Gee though, I have a feeling she'll be over the moon"
You laughed and agreed

"I'm tired"
You sighed and cuddled deeper in to his chest

"Go to sleep Lia"

"Will you be here when i wake up?"

"If you want me to be"

"I do"
He smiled

"Goodnight Lia"


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