Chapter 1~Introduction

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❌WARNING❌ ~I use a lot of profanity aka bad words you know so if you don't like that then I suggest leaving😅❤️ ~
(i was 13 i hate that i wrote that now^^^)
Your POV:
Hey my name is (y/n) I'm (whatever age you want) years old I have (your eye color) eyes and (your hair length) (you hair color)hair [ex: short black hair]. I'm in (your grade) and I hate my life, it's so boring and I have nothing to do. I suck at sports so I'm not in any and I suck at all other after school activity that exist. I get bad grades and the only thing I'm good at is making edits and being a fan girl. I spend most of my day reading fanfic and watching or making edits. (my life😭) I'm kinda shy it depends on the person you know well enough about me and back to the present :).

"Beep Beep" my alarm screamed at me I woke up and changed into some jeans and a random hoodie I slip my converse on and go to the bathroom were I brush my teeth and brush my hair out. I don't really try to dress nice like ever so I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs. I ate a quick breakfast and next thing you know it was time to go on the bus I grab my house keys and went to the bus stop. I got to school another boring day at school kms. This is my schedule btw:
1. English
2. Art
3. Math
4. Health
5. Social Studies- 2nd lunch
6. Office Aid
7. Science
In that order. My favorite class is Office Aid because it's not actually a class I just get attendance from classrooms and pass out papers you know just basic shit like send notes to students like come talk to the counselor but 6th period isn't that busy so I usually work on homework or my supervisor lets me go on my phone so I make edits and such. I finally arrived at school and got out of the bus I walked inside and this might sound sad but I don't have any friends like actually zero friends at school they are all on my phone (okay but like I'm not lying so comment if you wanna be my friend) you know internet friends, The girls at my school just worry about looking good and things like that and no one can relate to me the only friend I had moved schools and lives an hour away now and the people that I talk to during class are more  like acquaintances you know I don't even have them on my social media's I just have a bunch of old friends or internet friends or cousins. Sorry I keep getting lost in my thoughts I shook my head to clear my mind and walked to my locker I opened and put all my things in it besides my book. Then it was time for English YAY-not my dumbass teacher gave me a fucking C cause I'm missing one assignment like um excuse you 1 assignment out of like 20. It's whatever I walk in and to my surprise we are switching our seats and doing tables of four? I didn't know I was back in 6th grade, whatever our school loves to make sure we do team work and stuff so most classes are changing to tables of four but before getting our seats 3 boys that I've never seen before walk in the classroom one had ramen noodle hair and the other had blue eyes they were both cute but I didn't like them until I saw the third boy chocolate colored eyes dark brown hair he was the most perfect human I've seen in my whole life okay well I might be exaggerating but when he walked in everything went in slow motion he was laughing and staying with the 2 other boys that's when my teacher spoke his name was Mr.Mann [my teachers name is actually Mr.Mann]
"Okay class as you can see their is 3 new kids okay well I would tell you what their names are but I don't wanna guess and I don't think you care but they can tell you and then I'll tell you where to sit" Mr.Mann said he always joked like that but there was always some truth to what he said.
"Hey I'm Wyatt" the ramen noodle hair boy said I like that name Wyatt. I was good at remembering names.
"I'm um Jaeden" said the blue eyed boy.
"Hey what's up I'm Jack" the perfect boy said he was so cute and his voice was so adorable. how? None of the boys in my school had ever been cute literally no offense all boys besides these 3 were ugly the only descent ones were taken by the "popular girls"
That's it for this chapter thanks for reading don't forget to vote and comment suggestions. Sorry for the weird end but that's how all chapters will be if you click on my profile this is like my 2nd story so it's really bad and the last time I wrote a story was a year ago so I'm kinda bad.


This is kinda bad yikes but hey continue reading my story it gets better??

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