Chapter 9

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Y/n POV:
It was Monday sadly, the best friend day I had with Wyatt really helped me and I was feeling better. I got up and began getting ready for school as much as I tried to forget Reylynn calling Jack babe kept replaying in my head bothering me more and more. 20 minutes later I was ready for hell oops I mean school and i wasn't really ready to see Jack and Reylynn in the halls kissing. I walk outside and begin walking to hell oops it just keeps happening but I'll just stop correcting myself.  As I walk I see Wyatt and began walking with him out of the corner of my eye I could see Jack and Reylynn walking together but Jaeden was no where to be seen I guess he wasn't going to school or something. 

"Hey" I said to Wyatt.

"Hi, wait did you hear about the new kid? I heard he was hot." Wyatt said in a very girly voice.

"New kid?" I said laughing at Wyatt's voice.

"Yeah I don't know his name but he's got curls and freckles" Wyatt said.

"Oh very descriptive you know cause I don't know anybody else with curly hair and freckles" I responded sarcastically. 

"We'll have to wait and see I guess" Wyatt said.

After walking in silence for a couple more minutes we arrived at school and were walking down the halls to our lockers. I opened my locker and as much as I tried not to I had to turn and look over at Jack and of course he was making out with Reylynn. I turn to my locker and put my stuff away and began to walk to English.  After a short walk to the classroom I arrived and sat in my assigned seat I was the first one there. 

"Is this English?" a voice said.

I turned around and saw one of the cutest guys I have ever seen his hair was curly and perfect and his face was full of freckles. His jawline was the definition of goals and I could not believe a guy this cute was at my school right now.

"Ya-Yeah" I said.

"Okay" the pretty boy then took a seat next to me.

"I'm going to sit here for now if that's okay with you" he said looking at me.

"Yeah that's fine, oh my name is y/n by the way" I said smiling.

"My name is....."






That's the end of the chapter sorry it was so short but there is another one coming in a few minutes I promise. Also sorry for disappearing for so long I'm going to try and start being more active.

  hey continue reading my story it gets better and I have a Vlogsquad images if you're into that !👏  

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