Chapter 22

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-2 weeks later-

Finn's POV:

It had been two weeks since the day Wyatt, Jaeden and Sadie had made me meet up with them in the park. They had beat me up but I was fine now the bruises and black eye were gone.  Y/n had forgiven me but we weren't at all close. I had just woken up and I got ready to go to Millie's house, her parents were out of town and I wanted to surprise her. She said she was out with some friends and she'd tell me when she would be back home. I had a spare key to her house so my plan was to put rose petals from her front door all the way to her room and a heart on her bed. I was gonna give her a promise ring and I had bought chocolate and flowers. I was excited and since her parents weren't home I was sure I'd get lucky ;) so I went to the store and I bought everything that I needed. I got to her house and it was quiet which was good it meant she wasn't home. I placed all the bags in the kitchen and walked up to her room to make sure it was clean or that the bed was at least made so my surprise would be better. I opened the door and saw Millie home? and naked? giving Jacob a hj. I bit my lip to hold back some tears.

"Oh wow sorry I'm gonna go now" I said as I closed the door and rushed down the stairs. 

Millie was following behind me repeating that she was so sorry.n  I turned to look at her but only felt disgusted as I saw the only thing covering her was a blanket that wasn't doing a good job. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed the bags.

"what's all this finn.." she spoke her voice low and you could tell she was feeling guilty more now then when she was saying sorry.

"just some stupid things, I was gonna surprise you with but you really are a slut. I mean you cheated on Jack I don't know what I expected from you." I shook my head and left after that.

I didn't want to go home so I ended up at y/n's house. She was the only one who would talk to me after the incident even though everyone told her not to. I knocked on her door and she opened it. Her eyes softened and she told me to come inside. I guess she could tell I had been crying despite me waiting 5 minutes before knocking. I told her what happened and she played with my hair. She was sitting down on the end of the couch and I was laying down with my head on her lap. 

Ellie's POV:

I went to the park with my girls and was waiting for Jacob's dumb ass to answer my messages and come. We were supposed to take and post insta photos and he promised to tag me this time. Instead of receiving a message I saw him walking towards the park holding some bitches hand. I clenched my fist and walked up to them I was burning with anger. I felt my cheeks burning at how mad and embarrassed I felt.

"what are you doing with... that" I scoffed

"Ellie we are over.. I want to be with Millie now. She's better than you" he shrugged.

i looked at my girls and they all came over. Luci and Tracy instantly almost out instinct grabbed Jacob and walked off, Jasmine followed behind as they were going to go teach him a lesson for cheating on me. I could tell by all the hickeys I knew i didn't give him. As for Millie I had Levi and Lacy hold her back as I began punching her as hard as I could, Black eyes and busted lip with a bunch of bruises on her stomach is how i left her. She fell to the floor and Jacob came to help her up he was also fucked up.

Your POV:

I felt bad for Finn even if he cheated on me that doesn't mean he deserved to get cheated on besides he was still my friend and he was there for me through some hard times. He got up deciding it was time to go. I walked him to the door we had spent almost the whole day together and he gifted me the items he had bought for her mostly because he didn't want to see them. I hesitantly accepted them knowing Jack wouldn't be so happy about it even though me and Jack were only friends. Finn hugged me and I hugged him back goodbye but to my surprise instead of leaving it at that he pulled away from the hug and kissed me and I immediately pulled away.

"Wow Finn I told you just friends okay? besides I like someone else" I said shifting away from him

he slowly nodded and didn't say anything he just went home. I knew I should tell jack because if I didn't someone could twist the story up. Luckily he was going to spend the night today for a movie night.

-hours later jack knocks on the door-

I heard a knock and opened the door, it was Jack of course. He smiled and pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back. I slowly stepped away from the hug and as we walked to the living room he stopped in the kitchen where the bags where.

"who gave you all this?" he asked chuckling nervously.

"that was what I wanted to tell you... Finn came over"

I could tell he tensed up at the sound of his name/

"and what you guys made up? he won you over? i think i should go home if that's the case" he said slowly backing up back to the door.





Hey guys I am so sorry I never update. I suck at staying consistent but this book is almost over unless someone thinks of something good to add. I think there will only be up to chapter 25. Well thank you for reading don't forget to vote and comment your opinions.

Also I get this is a Jack fanfic but if you like the Vlogsquad I have an images book up and I would appreciate it if you guys went to check out maybe even leave a request?

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