Chapter 6

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Your POV:
"Hey Jacob I'm going home now" you said smiling
"I'll walk you home" he said giving you a warm smile
You began walking home but it was different you guys actually talked and eventually ended up holding hands you were near Jacks house just looking at his front door made you want to cry at the memory.
"Hey what's wro- It's Jack isn't it?" Jacob said quickly catching on I nod my head and just look at him
"Hey it's fine y/n just remember he's going to regret kissing Ellie and you guys will get back together" he said confidently
"How are you so sure?" I said
"I've seen the way he looks at you" Jacob said
I looked at Jacob in the eyes and we smiled then he slowly began to lean in and since he is my boyfriend I kissed back.

Jack's POV:
I look out my window to see y/n and Jacob kissing I guess they are dating it hurt to see her with him- I mean I'm with Ellie now so it doesn't matter. I grab my phone and see I have 3 unopened messages.

Y/n:OMG you saw that Jack I don't think you saw me pulling away from Jaeden and making it clear I don't wanna date him because I like someone else
Me: Oh well I guess I shouldn't have assumed things so quickly but either way you're dating Jacob oh and by the way don't kiss in front of my window thank you

Wyatt: Hey so you and Ellie got back together?
Jack: Yeah who told you that?

Jaeden: You like Ellie? She cheated on you Jack!
Me: I don't know i guess I was just hurt from seeing you and y/n kiss and I just kissed her and apparently we're back together

I feel kind of dumb you know what I'm just going to tell Ellie that it's over.

Me: Hey Ellie I know we just got back together but I just feel like you deserve someone who likes you and that's not me am sorry but I don't think it's going to work I'm breaking up with you

After a while I ended up receiving messages back.

Y/n: Guess you shouldn't have kissed Ellie in front of your house didn't like seeing that just like you didn't like seeing me and Jacob kiss :)
Jack: I officially broke up with Ellie I just don't like her :)

Wyatt: y/n saw you guys kissing and she told me
Jack: Oh. Me and her aren't dating anymore thought I talked to Jaeden and he's right I don't actually like her

Jaeden: You're Dumb.
Jack: I know I broke up with her thought

Your POV:
After walking for what seemed forever I finally got home and began thinking of what Jack said him and Ellie weren't dating officially so they for sure got back together and then broke up. I wanna break up with Jacob but a deal is a deal.
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  hey continue reading my story it gets better and I have a Vlogsquad images if you're into that !👏  

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