Chapter 19

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Finn's POV:
We walked inside and I noticed Millie and Jack walking in behind us. I know it was wrong of me to think this but Millie looked so good in her outfit better than y/n could ever. I looked back at her and sighed unsatisfied at the decision I had just made but I also liked y/n she was sweet and adorable. The only thing is she wouldn't do anything. I know it. I want y/n but she's not about it so what does she expect me to do act like I don't wanna have sex. I mean Millie would do it, why wouldn't she? I watched as y/n walked away and up to her friends. I walked over to get a drink also because Millie was over there.

"Hey" she said.

She bit her lip and her dress was pulled down lower than the last time I saw it.

"H-hey" I stuttered.

I felt myself turn red in embarrassment I didn't know what to do. She laughed and leaned in whispering into my ear 'I want you' before pulling me to the nearest room. The next thing I know she was on top of me and I was pulling up her dress as she unbutton my shirt. That's when I heard the door open.

"Oh Shit" I heard y/n say.

I jumped up and my eyes widen Millie falling next to me. My eyes soften and I snapped out of my mood. I realized what I did an instantly felt regret and guilt.

"Finn What The Fuck!" She screamed at me but I didn't say anything.

Her voice was weak and I could tell she was holding back tears. I hurt her. I began hating myself I promised I'd never do this. I promised Wyatt, Jaeden, and even Sadie. I promised them I wouldn't hurt her that's the only reason they let me ask her out. I broke it. Jack was there he pulled her back and I watched as she struggled to hold back tears. I didn't know what to say but I wanted to apologize. Jack didn't seem to care but I could tell he was angry. He was intimidating. He stood strong voice low as he ended both our relationships. I was scared to go near y/n after that. The door closed and i snapped out of it. I don't care fuck them. Millie was here and she was actually fun. I got up and me and Millie went back to her place.

The next day I woke up in Millie's bed half naked. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before I got up and changed into my clothes then left. I checked the time 10:37 am. I walked to y/n house and knocked, no answer, I walked inside unlocking the door with the key inside the plant. I walked straight to her room but her bed was empty. She didn't wake up early so where was she. I walked back home and once I was in my bed I checked my phone.
12:36- ANSWER ME
1:49am- meet up @ 6:35pm at the park we need to talk.
12:38- Hey I heard what you did and I just wanted you to realize that you are a piece of shit I can't believe we trusted you. Why would you even dare do that you fucking cunt?!
1:53am- park @ 6:35pm tmr
2:09am- Finn, What has gotten into you? This doesn't seem like you at all. Why would you hurt y/n? Look don't go near her and meet @ the park I'm sure the guys already told you about it. I can't believe you would dare do that.
I read the messages but sat up not knowing what to say. I couldn't really believe what I did either. I didn't want to meet up with them either. They were mad very mad at me and I was scared. Also they lost y/n. I know they haven't found her or else she'd be at her house sleeping.
Finn To Wyatt:
See you @ 6:35 I guess. I didn't mean to hurt her.
Finn To Jaeden:
I don't know what got into me.
Finn To Sadie:
I feel so bad. I didn't mean to loose her
They were lies. I didn't really care that I hurt her. I was satisfied. Millie texted she was coming over. I knew what that meant.
Hey guys I've been in a writing mood so I guess I'm gonna just write all the chapters and keep them drafted thinking about posting twice a day the story is almost over. If you want to leave new story ideas down below because i am not really a fan of them anymore so writing this isn't as fun.

hey continue reading my story it gets better and I have a Vlogsquad images if you're into that !👏

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