Chapter 23

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Your POV:
"and what you guys made up? he won you over? i think i should go home if that's the case" he said slowly backing up back to the door.

"Jack no just come let's sit down and I'll explain" I said softly as I walked over to the couch.

"....okay?" he said hesitantly but still walked over to the couch with me.

we both sat down and I could tell he wasn't excited to hear anything I had to say about Finn.

"earlier today Finn came and he had been crying so I invited him inside. I felt bad I mean Millie cheated on him" I started to explain.

"he cheated on you and he wasn't there to comfort you" Jack said as he sat farther from me.

Him sitting farther away made it harder to continue explaining, I didn't want to ruin whatever was going on between me and Jack.

"I'm all he has Jack, no friends nothing everyone hates him." I replied.

"that's his fault" he mumbled.

"we just hung out and I comforted him and the stuff was for Millie but you know she cheated on him, so he gave it to me" i said softly.

I could tell he was happy to hear that the stuff wasn't originally for me and I just wanted to leave it at that but I knew I had to be honest with Jack.

"then he decided it was time to go home so we hugged goodbye and then...." I stopped explaining and looked of to the side nervously.

"and then?" he asked confused yet nervous.

"he kissed me but I didn't kiss him back and I made it clear we are just friends" I said and sat up.

"oh? why'd you tell me?" Jack asked confused.

"why'd I tell you what?" I asked.

"that he kissed you like why do I care? shouldn't you tell I don't know Sadie or Wyatt"

"I don't know I just thought you'd want to know..." I shrugged.

The rest of the night was weird and Jack was acting distant. I wasn't sure what happened or if what I said bothered him. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything and now I'm sure he doesn't like me. I mean at least it feels like he doesn't.
Hey guys! This was kind of short I'm sorry but where should I go with this story? I have so many ideas. I'm going to start a new fanfic on Jack and Asher soon from the movie Shazam if you guys have watched let me know what you thought? also give me ideas for my new fanfic?

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