Chapter 13

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Wyatt's POV:

I was almost done getting ready for the dance I couldn't wait to go pick up Jaeden. I was so nervous I couldn't believe he said yes. I slipped on my shoes and walked downstairs.

"WYATT" my mom yelled.

I walked into the living room and both my parents were sitting there looking oddly satisfied.

"Yes?" I said.

"Take a seat your father and I would like to have a word with you" my mom said.

"Okay..." I said confused.

"Wyatt we would like you to go to the dance with this girl her name is Sophia" said my mom.

"No mom I was already going with someone sorry..." I said slowly getting up.

"It's not an option Wyatt" my dad said and began to have a slightly angry tone.

"I'm sorry Wyatt but you're going to have to cancel on that someone Sophia's parents paid us a good amount of money for you to go with her" my mom said.

"Look Wyatt you know we are starting to struggle with money and the money they paid us has really really helped us do me and your mom this favor please" said my dad not as angry.

I sighed "Fine." But I didn't say a word after I knew my parents were really struggling with money and there was many other dances I could go to with Jaeden.
-Time Skip-
We arrived at the school and she held my hand when we walked in I wanted to run to Jaeden and apologize but instead she pulled me towards a group of girls.
Wow this chapter is super short but I'm really in the mood to write so I might post 2 more and I'll have drafts ready to post I'm going to try to be more active guys please help me I've got writers block and I need help knowing what to write next so please pm me

  hey continue reading my story it gets better and I have a Vlogsquad images if you're into that !👏  

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