Chapter 18

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"Oh Shit" was all I could say as I looked into the room Jack running next to me to see what I was freaking out over. I felt his hand being placed on my back in efforts to comfort me.

"Finn What The Fuck!" I said my voice breaking that's when Jack pulled me behind him and stepped up.

My heart broke as I saw Millie on top of Finn he was so into it, no hesitation, he was kissing her back and touching her everywhere. He quickly got up as he saw me Millie falling back on his side a smirk on her face, how could she not care? Finn's eyes grew wide but he didn't say a word. I stood behind Jack and bit my lip not letting out my tears.

"We are over Millie, and Finn you and y/n are over too so don't you fucking dare go near her" Jack yelled his voice low and it scared me and the boy and girl in the room.

I couldn't say anything I was shocked it didn't seem like Finn at all he was the sweetest most caring boy I had met. I mean and for Millie to do that to Jack I felt so bad. I looked at Jack and he pulled me into his room closing the door behind us and sitting on his bed, only then he wrapped his arms around my waist as I was sitting next to him he leaned on me and began crying. I rubbed his back in efforts to comfort him but he pulled away and looked at me wiping his tears but failing as more began to fall.

"are you okay?" He asked his voice shaky.

Those words were all it took before I started crying reality hitting me hard. My boyfriend who I had just dated for not even a day cheated on me. Jack laid down and pulled me into his arms as he began running his fingers through my hair and whispering comforting things like 'it's going to be okay bubs' and 'I'm so sorry'. Though he wasn't supposed to be saying sorry I couldn't say much. He was crying but trying to hide it. I felt bad and looked up at him wiping the tears of his face.

"She's not worth crying for Jack, so don't cry for her" I said softly placing a kiss on his cheek and wiping a tear as it fell from his cheek.
Hey I'm so sorry I actually suck at updating you guys but I think this is the best chapter I've written I'm going to update more consistently now thank you for reading. Comment ideas!

  hey continue reading my story it gets better and I have a Vlogsquad images if you're into that !👏  

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