Chapter 5

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Jack's POV:
When I turned right I saw a heart broken Ellie I ran up to her and asked her what's wrong she said something about how Jacob broke up with her because he thinks she's cheating on him and she started apologizing and telling me how much of a bitch move she made I felt so bad and I missed her and I'm just so hurt I just decided to kiss her the kiss wasn't special no spark or anything but we pulled away and smiled I asked her to be my girlfriend again and she said yes then we sorta just stood in front of my house making out [um gross they're like 5 no jk but like there is 11 year olds at my school who make out in the hallways!]

Y/n POV:
There was Jack making out with Ellie?!? What the fuck in front of his house why the fuck did they get back together and here I am cancelling out Jaeden and making it clear that I didn't want to date him because I  thought me and Jack might of had a chance together but I guess not I run home and close the door to my room guess I'll just shower my mom is super nosy and if she heard me crying she would want to know everything so I hop in the shower and let it all out I had my music blasting just Incase I've never felt more stupid in my life of course Jack didn't like me what was I thinking. I get out of the shower and changed I decided to take a walk to the park. When I got to the park I saw Jacob and he waved at me?
Jacob: Hey y/n is it come here

I walk up to him and take the empty seat on the bench

Y/n: what's up?

Jacob: listen I know you like Jack

Y/n: who told you that?

Jacob: that doesn't matter my point is Ellie broke up with me because I wouldn't announce that we were dating and started making up this shit but tbh I miss her and she's like the hottest girl in school and posting pics with her would get me more followers and likes

Y/n: You really just care about followers you guys are perfect for each other

Jacob: That's besides the point

Y/n: what even is the point what do you need

Jacob: I need you to fake date me you know act like we're dating I'll post you on social media not only will you gain followers but Ellie will get jealous and she'll end up with me and Jack will end up with you

Y/n: I am not understanding

Jacob: Come on we will date for 2 weeks after that you break up with me and I'll be sad Ellie will then come and ask if I wanna get together I say yes and you go and comfort Jack then end up together

-without even thinking it through I agreed we got someone to take pictures of us and he posted them on his Instagram and I soon received messages from not only Jaeden, Jack and Wyatt but people I didn't even know

Wyatt: Umm y/n you're my best friend but wtf you broke Jacks heart and second of all I thought you liked Jack!
Me: I love Jack but he broke my heart I saw him making out with Ellie I don't really think he cares

Jaeden: I thought you didn't wanna date because of Jack are we still gonna be friends or something because dating Jacobs gonna gain you a lot of fame and a lot of fake friends
Me: Jaeden you and Wyatt are my best friends I would never stop talking to you and Jack I saw making out with Ellie so

Jack: Okay I'm confused are you dating Jaeden or Jacob?
Me: Wtf who told you I was dating Jaeden me and Jacob just now started dating as in 9pm just now and I'm kinda mad at you so don't think we're cool just because I answered

After a few minutes of replying to people begging to hang out and be friends and after noticing my social media accounts likes and followers going up I got new messages from my 3 favorite boys...

Wyatt: wow I never knew Jack and Ellie got back together since when
Me: Since today I guess

Jaeden: Good but I'm kinda confused about you and Jacob but I'm sorry about the fact you had to see Ellie and Jack I know even if you're dating Jacob you're my best friend and I know how much you liked Jack
Me: I'm confused too Jaeden I'm confused too

Jack: I saw you and Jaeden kissing at like 7pm y/n
Me: OMG you saw that Jack I don't think you saw me pulling away from Jaeden and making it clear I don't wanna date him because I like someone else

Wow Jack thought I was dating Jaeden I wonder how he felt was he mad or jealous ugh what am I saying obviously not he was kissing Ellie for god sake it was 10:30pm and I realized that me and Jacob just kinda sat on the bench and were on our phones the whole time is this how him and Ellie where?
Thanks for reading this chapter it means a lot to me don't forget to vote and comment down below some suggestions

  hey continue reading my story it gets better and I have a Vlogsquad images if you're into that !👏  

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