Chapter 8

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Your POV:
I pull away 2 seconds into the kiss it just felt wrong.
Me: Jacob you're a sweet guy really like you brought me to your house and helped me after getting beat up but I just don't feel that way about you and I think we should break up
Jacob: Then why would you kiss me back!
Me: wow Jacob calm down I guess I was caught in the moment I don't know
Jacob: What do you mean you don't know?! Ellie was right you are a slut you kiss Jaeden and that same day you kissed me if that doesn't scream hoe than I don't know what does now get the fuck out of my house
Me: With pleasure oh and no one talks to me like that.
*With that I slapped him as hard as I could and stormed out of his house instead of walking home I walked to Jack's I needed to see him. I knock on the door and he answers*
Jack: Oh hey y/n I didn't know you were coming
Girl: Who is it babe?
*A girl with blond hair walks to the door and in the moment I realized it was Reylynn a girl that he was in the same show with*
Me: Oh um I just came to tell you that I broke up with Jacob I wanted to hang out but I guess you're busy
*I began to tear up and he just stood there*
Jack: I'm sorry
Me: no why would you Be?..well um I have to go
*I walk away and run to Wyatt's house he was the only one that could cheer me up right now that everything was going wrong. I arrive at his house and I knock on the door, he opens the door and when he realizes I'm crying he embraces me in a hug a very nice and warm hug that I didn't want to end I loved his hugs*
Wyatt: What happened was it Jacob
* I shake my head no by this point we were sitting on the couch I wipe my tears and clear my throat and can we talk about the fact that I had a few cuts on my face and no one has mentioned that?*
Wyatt: wait did you get in a fight what's going on
Me: I woke up this morning to threats from an unknown number which turned out to be Ellie so, to clear my head I chose to walk to the park but Ellie and three of her friends where their and since I said I wouldn't break up with Jacob they basically beat the shit out of me and... Jacob took me to his house and help me clean up he kissed me confessed that he really did like me since our relationship was fake and
*i stop trying to calm down to continue*
Me: He was trying to get back with Ellie by making her jealous well, I said I didn't like him he got mad called me a slut so I slapped him and decided to go tell Jack and hoping maybe he liked me back but I was greeted by him and Reylynn hanging out and the worst part is...Reylynn called him babe and now I feel so dumb because I thought I had a chance with Jack
*i began to tear up again*
Wyatt: I don't get it Jack likes you
Y/n: well he has a weird way of showing it
Wyatt: How about you just don't date boys for a while take a break from them because they are ruining you and let's watch some movies we need some best friend time
Y/n: You know what you're right Wyatt
Wyatt: I'm always right
Thank you so much for reading sorry I haven't updated in forever please leave some suggestions in the comment section and vote on my chapter.

  hey continue reading my story it gets better and I have a Vlogsquad images if you're into that !👏  

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