Chapter 10

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Your POV:

"My name is Finn, Finn Wolfhard" he said.

"Okay Finn what lunch do you have?" I said.

"3rd lunch" he said.

"Oh, me too if you want you can sit with me and my friends" I said as I turned to see Jaeden and Wyatt walk in and sit with us.

"Hey I'm Wyatt" said Wyatt.

"and I'm Jaeden" Jaeden said.

"I'm Finn" he said smiling.

"his smile is so cute" I said to myself accidentally.

"I know it is" Finn said laughing as I turned red.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jack come and roll his eyes at Finn.

"Get out of my seat" Jack said.

"Wow why so salty?" I said.

"Sorry it's just something happened whatever I'm not in a good mood" Jack said.

"No excuse to be rude to Finn here" I said.

"I know I'm sorry my name is Jack nice to meet you" he said.

"I guess it's nice to meet you too" Finn said standing up from the seat.

"Nooooo I wanted Finn to sit here" I said crossing my arms.

"It's fine we can talk during lunch" Finn said and to my surprise the teacher sat Finn right behind me.

Jack's POV:

"Bye babe" I said to Reylynn as I began to walk to my own class.

After scrolling through instagram for a while I decided to go on snapchat and see what my friends had posted. I refreshed and saw that Reylynn had posted 7 seconds ago so I opened and saw that it said "I don't know I don't really like Jack and he doesn't even have many followers plus have you seen the new kid?" my heart broke a little as I realized every girl I will ever date is just in it for the followers I refresh again and tried to see if she posted anything else but instead she had deleted it.

Me: Reylynn I don't wanna do this over text but I want to do it as soon as I can so I just wanted to tell you that we are over.

I walk into class and see the new kid with y/n I don't know what they were talking about but that didn't mean I wasn't jealous she was my girl well not really but she's off-limits. I wish I would have just asked her out already but it's obvious she has thing for Finn after all he was pretty hot.







Okay yes I know this chapter is extremely short but I had to ask you guys some things. What do you guys want to happen next? Who do you want her to end up with? What/Who do you want me to include? What is some drama that should start? I really need your guys help because I'm stuck and I don't wanna be like those basic fan fictions so if you guys have a type of story you have ever wanted to read or something comment down below or pm me and I will include it in this story.

  hey continue reading my story it gets better and I have a Vlogsquad images if you're into that !👏  

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