Chapter 2

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Your POV:
"Welcome to this class Wyatt, Jaeden, and Jack... Okay so let's see where you guys will sit" Mr.Mann said after a lot of pointing and saying names he pointed at a desk at a completely empty table group and said my name the seat next to me was soon take by Jack I guess today was going to be a good day I smile at him and he smiles back the other two seats where quickly taken by Wyatt and Jaeden (I know basic and obvious that they would be sitting all together) Jaeden was sitting right I front of me and the closer I was to them the cuter they seemed but I still like Jack the most but I knew with 3 new cute kids in school the popular girls would quickly try and date them.
"Umm ha-hey" I manage to say I wasn't good at talking to boys I found attractive but according to my teacher this was my seat for the rest of the year but I wasn't complaining.
"Hey I'm Jack" said Jack smiling
"Hi, oh I'm Wyatt" Wyatt said with a straight face but then ended up smiling.
"And I'm Jaeden" Jaeden said with a big smile on his face they all seemed so happy and they looked super cute smiling.
"Well I'm y/n but you can call me (nickname)" I said smiling at all of them.
"I got to sit with the new kids lol this is probably going to be the best table group in this class" I added trying to start a conversation.
"Definitely" Jack said with a slight laugh.
"What are your classes?" He added.
We shared our classes and I had 2 classes with Wyatt 4 with Jaeden and 6 with Jack we talked and ended up exchanging numbers and social media's.
~Weeks later~
You guys became super close friends and Jack ended up dating this girl named Ellie which kinda hurt because she used to be my best friend but we stopped being friends because I didn't dress nice enough? (No hate on Ellie but she's going to be a rude/bad character in the story) she hated me being best friends with her boyfriend especially because the only reason me and Jack aren't dating is because I was to scared to tell him my feelings and she beat me to it. I also found out they were famous or something but I really didn't care but that's actually the reason why Ellie likes Jack it's for his followers because I overheard her and her friends talking and she said she hit 50k and also confessed to only being with Jack for followers I would tell him but I don't want to ruin the friendship me and Jaeden where talking and he said the same thing. Today was the school dance and me, Jaeden, and Wyatt where going together as friends since we couldn't find a date but Jack was going with Ellie duh and I didn't really like anyone but Jack so.
*After school at your house*
I decided to try and look good for once so I hoped in the shower when I got out I blow dried my hair and curled it I did my make up:

*After school at your house*I decided to try and look good for once so I hoped in the shower when I got out I blow dried my hair and curled it I did my make up:

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And put in this outfit:

I looked in the mirror and thought I looked nice for the first time ever I looked different that's for sure I checked my phone and I got a message from Wyatt

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I looked in the mirror and thought I looked nice for the first time ever I looked different that's for sure I checked my phone and I got a message from Wyatt.

Wyatt🍜: Hey loser me and Jaeden will be at your house in around 5 okay?

Me: Okay I'm already ready so

Wyatt🍜: you better not be like those girls who say that but they actually need another hour

Me Do you know me?

Wyatt🍜: We're outside

I grabbed my phone and some money and said bye to my mom I walked out the door and sure enough they were both out their with their mouths wide open that's a first.
"You look beautiful" said Jaeden
"Thanks" I smile and blush a little
"Yeah you're gorgeous" Wyatt said which made me blush more
"You guys are so sweet and you look good too I guess" I said laughing
"Thanks" they both said and you guys walked to school you guys didn't live far from school or each other by you also weren't like neighbors it was a good distance. You arrived at school and walked in you received some looks from people good lucks I guess like that "wait does she go to this school" kinda look since no one has ever seen me wear makeup. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jack I walk up to him.
"Hey" I said confidently.
"Hi y/n, omg you look beautiful" said Jack
I tried hiding my face because I didn't want him to know I was blushing.
"Thanks... Where's Ellie?" I said
"I don't know, help me look for her?" Jack asked
"Yeah sure" i said "Hey guys I'll meet you inside I'm going to help Jack look for Ellie" I said smiling at the boys receiving confused looks from both because not only do I hate Ellie but I hate seeing Ellie and Jack together but I could tell Jack didn't wanna walk around by himself looking lost. We walked in the school walking straight until we turned the corner and entered the hall she was standing where the lockers where....
Cliffhanger guess you gotta wait till tomorrow.
Thanks so much for reading please vote and comment ideas/ suggestions definitely need some.


hey continue reading my story it gets better and I have a Vlogsquad images if you're into that !👏

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