Chapter 12

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Your POV:
Me: Sorry Jack but Finn already asked me and I said yes can't cancel on him now that's just rude but maybe we can hang out some other time?
Yeah sure whatever:Jack

I feel bad but I don't think he even likes me I mean if he did why would he have started dating Reylynn or gotten back together with Ellie I mean sure they aren't dating now but he had his chance.

Me: Sure I can't wait to go to the dance with you on Friday :)
I can't wait either it's going to be so much fun :Finn

Me: Hey Wyatt you got a date for the dance yet?
No I want to ask Jaeden but I'm
scared what if he says no:Wyatt
Me: Just ask him !

Wyatt's POV:
Me: Hey Jaeden!
Hey Wyatt! :Jaeden
Me: Do you maybe want to go to the you know umm dance with me?
Of course:Jaeden
Me: Okay!

I have never been more excited in my life.

Your POV:
Tomorrow was finally the day of the dance and rumor has it that two new girls would show up. I don't get it though they haven't gone to school but go to the dance? It would be the first time we would see them but I've heard of them this whole week their names were Sophia Lillis and Millie Bobby Brown. I honestly didn't want more girls at my school that were popular I guess but I'm used to it since almost everyone in my school has at least been in a commercial or something including me.

It was time to leave with Finn we were going early because we wanted to watch everyone walk in with their date and see who came with who since we were nosy like that.
This is what I was wearing:

Me and Finn walked in the gym and sat down somewhere where we got a perfect view of the entrance we watched as a bunch of girls with their boyfriends came in but the one that caught my eye was when I saw Jack walk in holding the hand of a girl tha...

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Me and Finn walked in the gym and sat down somewhere where we got a perfect view of the entrance we watched as a bunch of girls with their boyfriends came in but the one that caught my eye was when I saw Jack walk in holding the hand of a girl that I had never seen before but she looked oddly familiar. I felt extremely jealous even though I was with Finn but this just proved that he didn't actually ever like me.

Finns POV:
I saw Jack walking in holding this girls hands when I got a better look I realized it was Millie I felt really jealous but I knew she was just doing that because I chose to come with y/n instead of her.
"That's Millie she's the new girl well one of them" I told her I could tell she was jealous.

Your POV:
"That's Mille she's the new girl well one of them" Finn said while we watched them walk in.
"Oh" I said and we kept watching.
After a while I saw Jaeden walk in by himself and something felt off wasn't he supposed to come with Wyatt?
"I'll be back" I told Finn and went up to Jaeden.
"Hey weren't you supposed to come with Wyatt?" I asked.
"Yeah I thought so to but he never showed up so I thought he was waiting for me outside but I guess not" Jaeden said
"I'm sorry you can hang out with me and Finn if you want" I said.
"I don't wanna bother you guys" he said
"It's fine come on" I grabbed his wrist and brought him to where me and Finn where sitting.
"Hey Finn is it fine if Jaeden sits with us while we wait for Wyatt?" I said.
"Yeah it's fine" he said smiling and we both sat down and kept watching people walk in.
After what seemed like forever I saw Wyatt walk in holding a girls hand she had short red hair.
"I'm so sorry Jaeden I didn't know he was coming with her" I said
"No it's fine it was too good to be true" Jaeden said.

The girls name was Sophia but why would Wyatt show up with her?
Thank you guys so much for reading don't forget to vote on my chapters and share my story :)

  hey continue reading my story it gets better and I have a Vlogsquad images if you're into that !👏  

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