Chapter 3

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Your POV:
We turn the corner and I wish we really hadn't but we did no turning back now it had already happened and I was preparing myself to deal with what would happen next. There she was making out with the one and only Jacob Sartorius (yeah idk I couldn't think of anyone else) he was the most popular guy of the school with over 8mil on instagram and until today he was taken I knew Ellie was just waiting for him to be single to break up with Jack but I guess she wasn't even nice enough to do that before kissing him.
"What the fuck Ellie" I yell at her since Jack was at a lost for words and on the edge of bursting into tears he wouldn't be able to say a word without crying and I knew that the last thing he would want is to cry in front of the school
"Oh um I'm so sorry Jack but I don't really like you anymore I like Jacob and we are dating now so we're over and Y/n mind your own business and don't talk to me like that" Ellie said with no emotion or actual meaning you could tell she didn't mean her apology.
"You're a bitch" I said and slapped her across the face and before it escalated I grabbed Jacks wrist and ran out the school I definitely wasn't gonna leave it at just a slap but Jack needed to get out of here and get a break. We got outside and sat on the side walk and I looked at Jack and he started crying I felt bad really bad I hugged him but to my surprise he didn't cry for long maybe 5-10 minutes and then he looked at me.
"Hey y/n if I'm being honest although it hurt that Ellie cheated on me because part of me had hope that she didn't just want my followers I'm kinda glad that she broke up with me." Jack said
"Why?" I gave him a confused look and wiped his tears with my thumbs.
"Because I realized that I like someone else and that I never really liked Ellie" Jack said putting a smile on his face
"That's what I like to see your smiles my favorite" I say smiling wait did I really say that.
"Your smile is my favorite too" a blushing Jack said I began blushing too. I stood up and extended my hand he took it and stood up. Jack pulled me into a hug and thanked me for always being there for him and never leaving his side. We walked back to the school and into the gym where the dance took place after a while of looking Jack and I found Jaeden and Wyatt and to my surprise they were dancing together we walked up to them and joined we all smile and group hugged.
That's the end of this chapter please leaves some suggestions on what the next chapter should be about.

  hey continue reading my story it gets better and I have a Vlogsquad images if you're into that !👏  

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