Chapter 16

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Your POV:

" names Sadie" the pretty freckled face girl said smiling.

I talked to her and we agreed on her sitting with us during lunch she was actually really nice and super pretty I was glad to have a friend that was a girl for once and I could tell she was trustworthy.


Sadie turned out to be so much fun and we planned hanging out soon today actually at jack's 'school is almost over party' he's been acting out lately hickeys, low grades, smoking, and drinking. It hurt seeing him going down the wrong path but there wasn't anything I could do he was usually too busy making out with Millie. I went home straight after school the party started at 7 and I was walking their with Finn we would meet up with the rest at the party. Finn was the sweetest lately. He's been there for me for everything and he's super cute. I think I really like him but I also like Jack. Who am I kidding Jack doesn't care he's to busy with Millie as they suck each others faces off. I checked the time after a long time of allowing myself to fall deep into thought and put myself in a bad mood 5:47pm the clock read. I stood up feeling dreadful as I got a towel and went into my bathroom. I removed my clothes and went into the shower. I felt relaxed and somewhat more positive thoughts began flooding in. After a short shower i got out and dried off wrapping my body in the towel and looking in the mirror as I blow dried my hair. I still hadn't picked an outfit because I was a flop but that was fine I stepped out of the bathroom and connected my phone to the speaker blasting my music to drown out my thoughts completely thankfully my parents were gone so no noise complaints today. I sat on my bed and thought of an outfit. I got up and looked into my closet finally deciding on a simple but cute outfit. I put on the outfit and sat in front of my mirror as I began to do my makeup and after a short while I finished up putting my shoes on. I grabbed my phone and texted Finn.

(outfit and makeup:)

(outfit and makeup:)

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Me: Hey Finn I'm ready :)

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Me: Hey Finn I'm ready :)

Finn: Almost at your house come outside

Me: Okay!

After that message was sent I slipped on my shoes and went outside and sure enough Finn was super close so I ran to him and began walking next to him heading to Jack's.

"You look amazing" Finn said smiling at me.

"Thanks, you look great too" I said blushing.

"Y/n there's something I have been wanting to tell you" Finn said.

"You know you can tell me anything" I replied as I began to feel myself grow nervous.

"Well.." Finn managed to get out as he looked down.




I am back and trying to get my life together so her I am writing a chapter to make myself feel good plenty more coming soon maybe even later today.

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my story reading the comments you guys leave makes me so happy 10k reads that's crazy when I first thought of writing I'd assume to get 100 in total after writing 100 chapters....yikes I'm so thankful though thanks bye...

  hey continue reading my story it gets better and I have a Vlogsquad images if you're into that !👏  

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