Chapter 15

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Your POV:

It has been a week since the dance. Summer was two months ahead and Wyatt had explained why he had to go with Sophia. Ellie, Millie, and Sophia were trouble and just full on attention seekers and to top it off today we were getting another new girl who's probably gonna end up  being like them too. New girls were just bad news and I was dreading meeting her.  After procrastinating for what felt like forever I put on a light blue over-sized hoodie and leggings before slipping on my black converse. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, brushed out my hair and applied simple makeup. I then grabbed my phone and left for school. When I got to school I went straight to my locker and put things away I wasn't a big an of new girls after what those two caused. I mean I can't believe Sophia's parents had to pay for her to have a date. To pass time I went on my phone and finished up one of my edits. When the one minute bell rang I walked to English and sat down at my seat next to Jack. It was kinda awkward sitting next to him considering the fact that him and Millie had a thing and I still liked him. He still wasn't in class though, ever since he's been around with Millie more he shows up late not only that but most of the time he'd walk in with messed up hair and a new hickey. 

"How you doing?" Wyatt said looking up at me I hadn't even noticed him.

"Yeah" I said half smiling.

"Just making sure...but hey new girl next period" Wyatt said.

"I almost forgot" I said.

"Almost forgot what?" said Jack taking his seat next to me.

"New Girl" said Jaeden. 

"Is she hot?" said Jack.

"Why do you care?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Just joking calm down baby" he said smiling at me.

Ignoring Jack I turned around and saw Finn's empty seat he was probably at home sick. Class began and all we did was talk and review for testing since school was over in two months my teacher wanted to get all testing done as soon as possible. Wyatt and I stopped at my locker before making our way to Art. We took our seats and waited for the new girl to arrive. Finally we looked up to see a freckled red haired girl with green eyes enter the room. She was really pretty I was lowkey jealous. The teacher sat her infront of me and Wyatt. I sat up and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey I'm y/n and this is my friend" I said giving her a friendly smile.

'"Nice to meet you, my name is....."

I am so sorry for not updating for like two months what was I thinking but I was going through some things but I am back and I am going to try and finish this story and it's not close to done I have crazy things planned ahead so stick around.

  hey continue reading my story it gets better and I have a Vlogsquad images if you're into that !👏  

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