IV: relatives

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    "Hyung~" is what Jaebeom hears when he picks up the phone a few days later, a loud and powerful voice that makes one think of an opera singer, or in Jaebeom's case, of his cousin Choi Youngjae.

"What's up, Youngjae-ah," Jaebeom asks, his smile naturally coming to his lips.

Youngjae is his cousin from his mother's side of the family, a family that resides in Mokpo, so while growing up they didn't meet much except for Chuseok and Summer Holidays when Youngjae, his sisters and their mother, Jaebeom's aunt, came to visit. If Jaebeom is honest, Youngjae is his favourite relative and he treats him like a dotting mother every time. The younger never complains, if anything he seems to truly enjoy Jaebeom's attention and affection, even when he's acting embarrassingly proud. Youngjae is that kid that can only be described as sunshine, bright and happy, with the most innocent look that isn't much different from what he is like. He's pure and optimistic, kind and warm. He has the dorkiest and loudest laughter that makes anyone else in the room feel as joyous as he is. Youngjae is also a little chicken, constantly getting scared so when they were kids and his big sister scared him, it was Jaebeom the one who had to protect him and reassure him it was all stories his noona told.

Jaebeom is an only child, but Youngjae feels like that younger brother he always wanted.

"Did eomma call you already?" Jaebeom's brow knits in confusion as he moves in his mother's room, changing the water for the flowers Mark brought two days ago.

"No, she hasn't since last week. Why do you ask?" The older cousin questions, holding the gadget between his shoulder and his ear while he makes sure the flowers are still beautiful and taken care of. He isn't the gentlest guy out there, but he tries for his mother.

"Well, she called me and I was ranting how I barely see you when I also came to stay in Seoul to be closer to you." Youngjae studied all his life in Mokpo, but after finally graduating, he came to Hongik university to study Music. "She started saying it was so unfair you were looking after imo all alone without anyone else helping you out. She said also really bad things about samchon that I'm not going to repeat because I still love him."

"It's okay, though. You don't need to worry. Eomma will wake up soon, and I'm doing fine," Jaebeom says, smiling fondly even if his cousin can't see it. He takes his seat by his mother's side again, brushing her hair away from her brow and caressing her softly.

"Still!" Youngjae exclaims, maybe too into this whole situation. "You're in your last year and you need to focus on graduating. What about the internship? You need one to graduate, don't you?"

"It's okay if I don't graduate this year, Youngjae-ah. Eomma is far more important right now."

"I know, hyung, but it's not fair you're carrying all the weight on your own. So eomma decided she'll come to Seoul to help you out so you can also take care of your studies and get a break because imo will be in good hands. She said she can't believe she let samchon persuade her to stay at home when she should've come to take care of her sister immediately." Jaebeom doesn't want to feel as touched as he does because it also feels like he's imposing on others, but he cannot help it because he's tired and it's difficult, and a little help would be welcome, especially coming from his aunt. "Anyhow, I'm sure she'll call to tell you all that but I was excited and called first." Youngjae laughs sheepishly and Jaebeom can imagine him, scratching the back of his neck, looking so childish and innocent. "It won't be good if you get sick for pushing yourself too much."

"Thank you, Youngjae-ah, for worrying so much," Jaebeom replies, feeling a lump in his throat.

Just thinking about his aunt looking after his mother as well makes him feel so much at ease. The two sisters are close and they love each other, so it might be even good for his mother to have her sister by her side.

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