XXII: attached

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       Jaebeom leads the way, looking for a place where they could go and talk, somewhere warmer and not too noisy. Jinyoung walks quietly by his side, his eyes fixed on the ground, just following him without even wondering where they are going.

Jaebeom decides to stop by one of the big chain cafes that's open twenty-four/seven, but as he grabs the door handle to open it for them, Jinyoung seems to react and reaches out to grab his arm, stopping him.

"I don't think it's good we go in there to talk, hyung," points out the younger, confusing Jaebeom.

"Why? It's warm and I'll buy you a drink, my treat. I can get you anything else if you want. The honey bread here is pretty good," Jaebeom offers, his hand still on the handle but his eyes exclusively on Jinyoung who looks quite anxious. The younger looks inside the cafe and his expression only shows reluctance. "What's wrong?"

"Too many people," Jinyoung mutters, squeezing Jaebeom's forearm tighter.

Jaebeom looks inside more carefully and realises it's indeed crowded, way too crowded. At the end of October, midterms are either happening or about to happen, so everyone is studying, especially in cafes that are open twenty-four hours.

Inside, almost every table is being used by a student, and although it might not be noisy per se, it feels suffocating with so many people frantically studying.

"You're right, I forgot it's midterm season," Jaebeom comments, releasing the handle.

"How could you forget? You should also have midterms coming," Jinyoung asks, his expression changing as his attention is now on Jaebeom. The smile comes to his lips and his eyes seem to get some life again, and that look makes Jaebeom feel a lot better.

"In my defence, a lot has been going on. But you're right, I should be studying like those people inside," replies the older, not missing how Jinyoung is still holding on to his arm. "Anyhow, do you want a cup of coffee at least? We can walk somewhere but with something to drink."

"I'm okay, but you can get one if you want and if you're too cold," Jinyoung rejects, slowly breaking the contact between the two and stepping back.

"I've never seen you eating or drinking anything. This is why you're so skinny," Jaebeom scoffs, thinking what he'd like to get.

"I'm a picky eater," Jinyoung shrugs. "And I don't like crowded places."

"You're so difficult," Jaebeom rolls his eyes. "Fine, I'll get something for myself only. Do you want to come inside with me to get it, at least?"

Jinyoung shakes his head so Jaebeom only heaves a tired sigh, but he doesn't insists. Turning around, he walks inside to get himself honey citrus tea. He also orders hot chocolate for Jinyoung, even if the younger might not drink it, but at least to hold a hot cup of something. The younger is clearly surprised when Jaebeom comes out again, holding two cups.

"I know, but at least you can hold it and warm your hands," Jaebeom points out when he sees Jinyoung opening his mouth.

"I don't get cold," Jinyoung comments, just for the spite to keep complaining, Jaebeom is sure.

"Sure, sure," he rolls his eyes, putting the cup of hot chocolate in Jinyoung's hands. "Let's go somewhere where we are sheltered from the wind at least."

Jinyoung accepts the cup and keeps it closer to his body, like sheltering or hiding it, which just proves he was actually cold. Yet, he still doesn't even take a sip and just walks by Jaebeom's side. To break the ice, Jaebeom starts telling Jinyoung about his mother, how the treatment has been going and all the progress she's made so far. He talks animatedly and cheerfully, drinking his tea at times and just feeling in such a better mood overall. The fact Jinyoung is by his side is such a relief and Jaebeom feels like now he can be happy more freely. The dark cloud that his worry for Jinyoung was has disappeared, so he feels light and joyful.

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