X: emotional chaos

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        More than a week since Jaebeom got a cold and Jinyoung took him home goes by without seeing the younger man. For some odd reason, Jaebeom did think they would run into each other again, randomly as it had been happening lately, but that's not the case. Actually, not running into him was what Jaebeom wanted before, but now that he's not seen any of Jinyoung, unable to properly thank him for taking care of him, Jaebeom does feel somehow blue.

On the bright side, Jaebeom is completely recovered from his cold.

On the even darker side, his mother has made no improvement. Before, the fact she was hanging on was a glimmer of hope, but now the doctors tell him that if she continues like that, the damage if she ever wakes up, will be too much. Doctors advise not to extend the coma for more than three months, recommending the guardians to give up hope after twelve weeks.

"What about those cases of people who wake up after years in coma?" Jaebeom's aunt demands to know when the doctor comes to tell them as it's been ten weeks since the accident.

"Those are extremely rare cases, ma'am," the doctor explains. "Chances are that she won't ever wake up. If she does, there's an incredibly higher chance she'll be disabled both physically and mentally. Even those rare cases of patients waking up after years face severe consequences. Moreover, not all patients in coma are the same, and the damage this patient bears is not promising at all."

Jaebeom balls his fists, trying to understand completely the rational and cruel words of the doctor and not to snap. It feels like the doctor is coaxing them to give up, and Jaebeom cannot feel it is for his mother's sake but because she is tired of them and wants to get rid of her patient and stubborn guardians. He is aware his assumption is farfetched, but when the expression of the doctor is tired, cold and almost fed up with how insistent the guardians are being, he cannot help himself.

"I'm not saying you have to make a decision now, you can keep her connected for years if you so desire, we are capable of forcing her body to stay functioning," the doctor continues as if she could somewhat understand what they are feeling, but still failing at comforting them. "I'm just reminding you that every day that passes and the patient doesn't wake up it's adding up to the complications she'll face if she ever wakes up. I kindly suggest to consider what's best for the patient, and not just what you want."

Jaebeom's aunt huffs so indignantly and he can understand why, he feels deeply offended that the doctor is implying they are forcing his mother to endure a torture, putting her through a terrible ordeal. They did nothing! They just want her back with them, that's all.

"Get out of here," Jaebeom's aunt mutters through gritted teeth, doing her best to control her temper. Jaebeom holds her, not so much for her but also to focus on something else, not just his feelings and how wounded he is, how angry he feels. "Get out and don't come back until you grow a heart and learn what sympathy is!"

It probably isn't the first time the doctor gets yelled like that, because she just sighs and bows her head before turning around and walking away.

Jaebeom focuses on his aunt, wrapping his arms around her to ground her and comfort her. She's breathing hard and is visibly upset, mumbling her thoughts about the cruel and cold doctor. His own emotions wait on hold, until his aunt can pull herself together.

It's not the first time Jaebeom hears such lecture, actually it is very common by now. The longer his mother doesn't show any signs of improvement, the more frequent the lecture becomes. He's used to it, kind of. He can control his reaction better, by now. His aunt, on the other hand, hasn't dealt with the doctors scolding her for holding on to the hope her sister might wake up one day.

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