XIX: ease

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        As promised, Jaebeom goes to classes the next day, before his mother starts rehab but after his aunt comes back looking refreshed and energised. The visit to the spa actually helped her and Jaebeom feels so glad it's like that, it makes him feel more at ease as he heads to university. On the train, he goes over the notes his classmate sent him so he won't be that lost in the lecture during the day.

For the first time in the term, Jaebeom can actually concentrate during the lecture. His mood is a lot better and his worries are more manageable. Today he finally listens to what the professor is saying instead of wondering if his mother will wake up today or not. Paying attention makes him realise how behind he is in all his classes, and now that his mother is on her way to recovery, Jaebeom has room in his mind to worry about his school life.

Not appealing, really.

By lunch break, Jaebeom has not decided if he'll sneak to go see his mother or just grab some kimbap from a pyeonuijeom while reviewing content and actually thinking of his final project. However, he's surprised when he comes out of his classroom just to find Mark and Jackson waiting for him.

"Hyung!" Jackson cheers, smile wide and bright as he steps forward. "Congratulations! Your mother is finally awake! We're so happy for you." Mark nods along to what Jackson is saying, his smile as bright as the other boy.

Jaebeom smiles happily and grateful, well aware his friends indeed are delighted his mother is awake. They have already filled him with so many texts and emoticons to celebrate. Now, Jackson adds a tight hug that almost crushes Jaebeom's bones, yet the boy doesn't complain and just chuckles.

"How's eomeoni doing?" Mark asks while Jackson is still giving him a bear hug, so Jaebeom looks over his friend's shoulder to meet the older man's gaze.

"The doctor predicts some degree of paralysis. She can't move all her limbs at will and her speech is super limited and she stutters, but that aside, she's the same person. She recognises us all and even without a word she nags me to come to classes."

Jackson pulls back just to laugh in his signature high pitched giggles, and Mark smiles even wider. Jaebeom cannot stop his own smile.

"She's definitely the same, and that's such a relief," Jackson points out. "Do you think we can go visit her today?"

"She'd love it," Jaebeom answers as he feels his phone vibrating. Casually, he takes it out to check like ten Kakao notifications from Youngjae. "And Youngjae is also coming. I'm sure having you two around will make him feel less anxious at the hospital."

"Ah, Youngjae-yah, it's been a while since we last saw him," Jackson muses. "They grow up so fast."

Mark pulls Jackson by the hoodie to give Jaebeom some of his personal space back, and to also return Jackson to where he belongs, next to Mark. Sometimes it's disturbing how those two, when in the same place, can't never be at more than two metres of distance.

"I have one more lecture after lunch, so we can go after that," Jaebeom suggests, writing a reply to Youngjae to tell him Jackson and Mark are also going. The reply from his cousin comes in the shape of many dancing Kakao Friends.

They agree on the time and where to meet in campus, and then go to have lunch together. The difference from Jaebeom three days ago with the one in the present day is outstanding and he never realised how his own mood was affecting his friends. They tried so hard, all the time, to cheer him up, and that was draining them. Jaebeom was draining them. Now his friends are effortlessly cheerful, without having to watch their every word, without trying so hard to make Jaebeom part of it and cheer him up.

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