XXV: addicted

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As planned, Jaebeom's mother is ready to be cleared out the next day. The doctors and nurses are all happy for her, stating over and over again how delighted they are for how fast and efficiently she's been recovering, expecting things to only get easier. She'll have to keep coming back for rehab, so it's not a farewell, but still the staff around are now people Jaebeom became fond of, and so did his mother. They were always hopeful and supportive, and even if Jaebeom's mother's doctor was stoic and standoffish at first, she warmed up and smiled encouragingly by the end. Probably, she was surprised with the speedy and stable recovery Jaebeom's mother was displaying.

Jaebeom feels somewhat conflicted with the new status. For four months the hospital is the place he's seen the most, where he spent so many nights, waiting, worrying or just pondering what the rest of his life would be. Now he'll only come for certain occasions, which is both a relief but at the same time, odd.

Moreover, Jinyoung's been a constant present at the hospital, making it all more bearable for Jaebeom and also becoming something he looked forward to every day. Surely Jinyoung promised they would keep meeting, but where? Somehow, the hospital rooftop became their space and now Jaebeom feels he's losing that.

Maybe he's just being overly dramatic, and he has Jinyoung's to blame for that.

Driven by that dramatic spirit, before they have to leave the hospital, Jaebeom goes to the rooftop. It's earlier than normal so he isn't sure Jinyoung's going to be there, but just in case. To his surprise, however, the younger man is there, sitting on the rail, facing the door which Jaebeom comes out from, as if he was expecting him.

Naturally, easily and happily, his smile comes out when he sees his young friend in front, his heart doing this funny thing that's been happening for a while. Jaebeom says it's just relief to see Jinyoung again, knowing the boy is still hanging in there.

"Hey there," Jinyoung says, smiling softly, his eyes showing the same fondness Jaebeom feels in his heart, mixed with gratefulness. It's evident for Jaebeom as he walks towards his friend. "I knew you'd come here."

"I've become predictable," Jaebeom replies, walking steadily to his friend until he's in front of the younger.

He can see Jinyoung has his feet hooked with one of the iron bars of the rail, holding him in place, but that doesn't stop the older from grabbing Jinyoung's wrists, if anything with the excuse to keep him in place if he suddenly lost balance and fell backwards. Truth be told, though, Jaebeom just craves touching Jinyoung, making sure he's really there.

"I'd say you've become addicted, actually," Jinyoung jokes, the look in his eyes more teasing and amused.

"Of what? You?" The older laughs, even if there might be some truth there.

"You can't deny it. You can't go a day without seeing me. Admit it, it's easier."

Once again, Jaebeom laughs, louder than he should, shrugging off what Jinyoung says, even if there's some truth in that joke. If a day goes by when Jaebeom doesn't see the younger, he becomes anxious and he feels longing wracking him, unsettling him.

He's no way near to admit that, ever.

"You think you're that charming, uh?" Jaebeom jokes along, it's just easier than admitting his feelings sometimes don't seem to be the type you hold for just a friend.

"I know I'm that charming," Jinyoung replies, leaning closer.

As he's sitting on the rail he's taller than Jaebeom, making the older tilt his head slightly backwards to meet eyes. When Jinyoung leans forward, he gets maybe too close, invading the older's personal space, which consequently makes Jaebeom's heart rate to speed up. There's this excitement bubbling in his stomach when his friend gets so close, he feels suddenly hot even when the weather is cold, a bit suffocated and restless. At the same time, he feels trapped when Jinyoung looks into his eyes from so close proximity, consuming everything and becoming the only thing that exists in that moment, all that Jaebeom can see.

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