V: shower rain

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It's just impossible that, for a third time, Jaebeom has saved Jinyoung's life. It makes no sense and Jaebeom will lose his mind because someone must be playing with his life or something, there's no other explanation.

"At least now I truly saved you from an accident instead of misunderstanding your actions," Jaebeom mumbles, still feeling weak for what almost happened had he not intervened. His hands are shaking and it's probably the reason why he hasn't released Jinyoung's jacket yet.

"Do you have a hero complex or something? No one else tried to save me but you," Jinyoung points out and Jaebeom stares at him, wondering if he was testing the people around or something.

"Did you step forward on purpose?" His voice hitches with annoyance, his breathing getting heavier as he considers the option that maybe it wouldn't have been an accident.

"Perhaps," Jinyoung grins again. "That sport car looked like a promising death, but there are too many people who could get in the way. Not a good suicide option, if that's what you want to ask."

Jaebeom blinks, the tone of the other man rubbing him in all the wrong ways.

"Are you crazy?!" Jaebeom snaps, making more passersby turn to stare at him confused, probably because he's holding on to someone, yelling at him while both are getting soaked wet.

Jinyoung raises one of his thick eyebrows, tilting his head just slightly as if he was judging Jaebeom. He moves to wrap his long fingers around Jaebeom's wrist to make him release his jacket and then he leads him away from the crossroad and towards the umbrella Jaebeom previously dropped. Without uttering a word yet, he picks it up and stands in front of him, holding it to cover them both.

"I was just distracted. I can't always control my impulses," he replies softly, still holding the umbrella and Jaebeom doesn't move, he just stares. "Can you tell me you've never felt that urge to jump or step in front of an oncoming car? Not even once? Curious for what it could happen?"

"No," Jaebeom deadpans.

Jinyoung tilts his head again, shrugging as if it wasn't an inconvenience that Jaebeom doesn't support his crazy behaviour.

"I guess it's just me, then. But I told you already, I'm captivated by death and normally I don't try it because nothing promises certain death, but sometimes it happens without my consent," he explains so casually Jaebeom is more shocked for his tone than his words. "I wasn't trying to die today."

"You're crazy, really. Do you know how dangerous it is what you did? Not for you who doesn't care if you die! But for other people. For the driver? The passersby? They could also get injured or even die because of your stupidity and they wouldn't want to die like you!"

Jinyoung blinks, clearly not having thought of that.

"Do you know how many car accidents happen every day? Have you ever thought of the consequences for the people that get involved? There isn't only one person in it!"

"Okay, no need to get so sensitive. Nothing happened, thanks to you," the other boy tries to ease the tense mood, but Jaebeom snapped already.

"I have all the right! My mother is in coma because of a car accident she had nothing to do with, she was just waiting for the green light!" He roars, his throat hurting for the effort when he's so cold. "Some idiot got in the way of another driver and he lost control of the car and hit my mother, now she won't wake up and even if she does, she'll never be the same. Do you realise you could cause the same to someone else? No, of course not, because you're a selfish asshole who only thinks of his own satisfaction!"

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