XVII: younger

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       Even if Jaebeom's mother's waken up from her coma, he won't be overcoming his strong dislike for any sort of cars or trucks, including buses, any time soon. He doesn't want to witness or be involved in any type of accident and he will avoid vehicles for as long as he can, and he'll keep taking the train.

Past rush hour, the last car of the train isn't as crowded as it is at other time of the day, leaving quite a few empty spots to sit and not worry about anything or anyone. He's exhausted so the moment he sits, he leans his head on the bar by his side, closing his eyes and breathing slowly. He lifts his head and opens his eyes when his neck starts hurting and the train jerks at one stop. When he does so, he notices the person in front of him and immediately recognises him.

Jinyoung, in simple jeans and oversize sweatshirt, sits in front of him, with his eyes locked on his hands that are covered with the sweatshirt sleeves in cute sweater paws. Jaebeom smiles fondly at the sight, even if Jinyoung hasn't noticed him yet. Jaebeom realises as he watches the other boy that his hair is a lot shorter, maybe a centimetre long, like a growing buzz cut, which makes him look at least four or five years younger. For a second Jaebeom thinks he's watching a teenager version of Jinyoung and he marvels at how a haircut can change a person so much.

Jinyoung probably feels his stare because he lifts his head and their eyes meet. Jaebeom watches surprise drawing on the other boy's features, a smile spreading over his lips and his eyes lighten with glee. Like that, Jinyoung truly looks like a teenager, and it's quite disconcerting.

Jinyoung doesn't say anything, nor does he move and Jaebeom also stays where he is, just staring back at Jinyoung with a little smile on his lips. They continue doing that for quite a few stations, until Jaebeom takes the first step and changes seats, next to Jinyoung this time. The younger doesn't seem to mind, considering his now wider smile.

"Hi," he greets, smiling happily. Up close, Jinyoung doesn't look lost or broken like he did the day before. He doesn't look exactly well or happy, there's still a shadow of something Jaebeom cannot grasp yet, but it's dark and heavy on Jinyoung's shoulders.

"Hi," echoes Jinyoung, and Jaebeom realises his smile is tired but not less honest for that. "How's your mother?"

"She's doing well, stayed awake all day. There seems to be some degree of paralysis and problems with her speech, but the doctor said she could start her rehabilitation tomorrow," Jaebeom shares easily. Funny how he's ended trusting Jinyoung to tell him about his problems as easily as he does with Jackson and Mark, sometimes even more easily. "She recognises us although she doesn't remember the accident. Still, her eyes are the same and I know she'll work hard to get better."

"That's really good news, hyung. Not the paralysis and the speech problems, but that she's more lucid and she'll start therapy. I think all that's manageable, but if she had forgotten about you then that would've broken your heart definitely."

"I agree," Jaebeom muses. "I'm grateful for the small blessings. How are you doing, by the way? Feeling any better?" He asks, watching Jinyoung closely and not missing how the younger looks away, to the now empty seat across from them.

"Oh," comes his reply, short and vague. "Why aren't you at the hospital? I thought you wouldn't leave that place now that your mother's awake."

"Abeoji is with her now, he finally came to visit her." Jinyoung notices the change in his voice, the way his face hardens when he speaks about his father, but he has the good judgement not to ask about that at the time. "Imo said I couldn't neglect school and that I needed a break so she sent me home to take a shower and get a break."

"She's right," Jinyoung smiles. "I'm sure your mother wouldn't like if you fail your courses or get behind."

"She definitely wouldn't want to. I graduate this semester," Jaebeom speaks.

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