XXIII: introductions

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Somehow, Jinyoung has become very important for Jaebeom. Maybe it was because they met at the older's most vulnerable time. Maybe it was because Jinyoung doesn't have anyone else. Maybe... just maybe, because both needed each other. Regardless the reason, Jinyoung has become an extremely important person for Jaebeom, he's constantly in his thoughts, and often Jaebeom finds himself wondering when he's going to see the younger again, looking forward to those moments.

Jinyoung is that important that Jaebeom talks about him... a lot.

"I feel my position as oldest and childhood friend is being threatened, even when your Jinyoung can't be your childhood friend but I feel threatened okay?" Jackson complains when they meet one day for lunch, after Jaebeom, effortlessly, ends up mentioning Jinyoung because something reminded the older of his new friend.

"No one is going to take that title from you," Mark reassures Jackson, a comforting hand on the younger's thigh to which he clings to, always hungry for affection, for touch.

"I'm sure hyung never talks about me with that look in his eyes," Jackson continues, turning to look at Mark with big pleading eyes, talking about Jaebeom as if he weren't sitting across from them. "I'm sure he only looks annoyed when he talks about me."

Mark chuckles, ever so fondly, pulling Jackson to rest his jealous head on his shoulder, softly patting his head covered in a baseball cap, as usual.

Jaebeom rolls his eyes. He loves Jackson and he doesn't always looks annoyed with his friend, only occasionally. Jackson is just being overdramatic and Mark dotes on him too much.

"He clearly doesn't feel the same about you or me as he does for Jinyoung-ssi," Mark explains softly while Jackson fists the older's jumper. "If he did, then he and I would have a serious problem."

Jaebeom tilts his head, trying to get the full meaning of Mark's words, but apparently he's too slow and Jackson too fast. The younger pulls back, eyes wide in shock and realisation as if he finally understood the meaning of life. Mark only nods, clearly communicating with his boyfriend without uttering words, and leaving Jaebeom completely out of it.

Jackson turns to stare at Jaebeom with new eyes, mouth slightly open and Jaebeom is feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Ohhh," the younger voices, nodding his head slightly. "I see."

"What do you exactly see? It's making me nervous, I have no idea what's going through that head of yours." Jaebeom asks, feeling anxious indeed.

"It's totally okay, hyung," Jackson says, comfortingly, which is more unsettling than anything. "You haven't realised yourself, but it's totally okay. When you do, you'll understand how beautiful it is."

"You don't make sense. Speak clearly," Jaebeom asks, feeling heat blooming on his cheeks, although he doesn't know why exactly.

Must be the way Jackson and Mark are staring at him.

"It's fine, I'm sure he's a wonderful person, worthy of your feelings," Jackson speaks, his tone soft and velvety, his voice with an inflection that makes Jaebeom's guts twist unpleasantly.

"I don't like your tone," he deadpans, breaking the eye contact and trying to hide his blush. "I just said how that guy looked like Jinyoung. You talk as if I were swooning over him instead."

Jaebeom doesn't need to look at Jackson to know the heavy stare that carries too much meaning, and Jaebeom isn't willing to deal with that right now.

How weird is it to see someone and be reminded of another person you're fond of? The guy was tall and slim, his frame elegant, his hair jet-black and perfectly styled. Once the young man got closer Jaebeom realised it wasn't his Jinyoung, but another man, not nearly as handsome or graceful as his friend. Obviously, he felt disappointed and wished it had actually been Jinyoung instead.

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