hall pass

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"She got a bad reputation, she takes the long way home" - Shawn Mendes

Alyssa's POV

I put my hand up, ignoring the glances the other girls in my class were giving me. I didn't care if they started gossiping. Everybody gossiped about me.

When the teacher, Mr Marble - a small redhead in his late fifties - looked up from his notes and saw me, he nodded, signing me to speak.

"Excuse me, sir." I asked and put my hand down. "Can I go use the bathroom, please?"

Teachers didn't like when students went to the bathroom during their classes but I did it anyway. There was no way that I was going to use the bathroom during lunch break. The restrooms were just way too overcrowded then.

Mr Marble, obviously annoyed by my question, rolled his eyes but nodded his head anyway, allowing me to leave the classroom. As I stood up, I heard a girl whisper to her friend:

"I wonder who it's gonna be today."

Without attracting the teacher's attention I showed Marissa Fitz my middle finger and left the classroom.
There was that rumor going on about me that I was giving blowjobs for money in the school bathrooms during class and I usually tried to avoid using the bathroom at school at all but today was one of these days that I had drunk way too much water and there was no way that I wasn't going to use the bathroom just because there was some stupid rumor about me.

I walked down the hall extra slowly to miss as much of class as I could. When I eventually reached the bathroom and pushed the door open, I stopped short.

There was a guy leaning against one of the sinks, his arms crossed in front of his chest as if he was waiting for something - or someone.

When I opened the door, he looked up and his eyes met mine. I raised my eyebrows as I walked into the bathroom, the door closing behind me automatically.

"You know that this is the girls' bathroom, George?" I asked and stopped ten feet away from him.

George was sort of a new student. He had changed schools this year but since it was November already, he wasn't that new anymore. I thought he was in my history class but I wasn't quite sure. I hadn't heard much about him because apparently he was kind of a quiet guy but I knew that his parents forced him to do his A-Levels though he was in a successful band.

"I... did you..." He started but seemed to not find the right words to say. "Did you write this?"

He stretched out his arm and I looked down at the small piece of paper in his hand.

Meet me in the girls' bathroom, second floor, 10:30

"Because I don't want you to..." He started but I cut him off because I knew what he wanted to say. Of course he had heard the rumor too.

"No I didn't write it. I'm here because I actually gotta use the bathroom, you know?" I said and made my way to one of the stalls. "You know that I could get you in trouble for being here?"

"I'm sorry, I just thought... I don't know." He stared down at the piece of paper in his hand, I couldn't interpret the look on his face.

"You thought I told you to come here so I could give you a blowjob." I stated the obvious. "Sorry to disappoint you but you'll have to keep your twenty bucks."

"Sorry I didn't mean to offend you." George said awkwardly and slowly walked towards the door. Good because I didn't want him inside the bathroom while I was peeing.

"See you around?" He said and I shrugged my shoulders. Then he finally left the bathroom.

Well that was awkward. I always had thought George was a nice guy but obviously he had gotten wind of that rumor too and apparently he believed it.

When I got back to class, Marissa Fitz whispered stupid things again but this time not to her friend but to me.

"Is it true you do it for only £20?" She asked me loudly enough for the other students to hear.

That was the last straw. A smutty grin grew on my face and though I knew that what I was going to say would get me in trouble and make the others gossip about me even more, I couldn't hold it back.

"No." I said. "I suck dicks for free."

I said it with all sternness in my voice. Everybody with intellect would have noticed that I wasn't actually meaning it though my face was serious. But these stupid people in my class didn't get it.

Their eyes widened in shock and I opened my mouth to add something but I didn't even get to speak because my teacher raised his voice.

"Alyssa Harper. Detention. 3:30, room G.03." He said and I decided that it was best if I didn't say anything else but just accept my penalty.

I felt everybody's stares on me as I went to my seat to sit down. I didn't look at anyone, I just stared down at my notes, grabbed my pen and acted as if I was delved into my notes.

• • •

At 3:32 pm I entered room G.03. Mr Marble sat on a chair, typing something on his laptop. When I opened the door he looked up at me.

"You're too late." He pointed out. Obviously.

"I went to the wrong room. I was next door." I lied, keeping a straight face. Then I let my gaze wander around the room, trying to find a free seat next to someone I liked.

It wasn't like I didn't have friends. I had plenty actually and I was quite popular but the reason for that could also be because my parents were damn rich. Or because the boys hoped that I'd give them a blowie for twenty bucks. I don't know.

I didn't see any of my friends but I saw someone else sitting on a chair by the window. I raised my eyebrows and let my bag fall down next to my brother.

"Seriously Benson?" I asked. "Detention? What did you do?"

If there was one person I'd never expect to get detention, then it was my brother. He always had straight A's and never said anything mean to anybody.

"I was twenty minutes late for class because my bike had a puncture but Mrs Jones didn't believe me." He explained, scratching the back of his head and then ran with his hand through his hair. He had the same blonde and straight hair as I had with the difference that I had started dying my hair a light-blonde, silver tone when I was fifteen.

"That's your first time, isn't it?" I teased him, lightly hitting his arm. He was only ten months older than me but so much more mature.

"Why did you get detention?" He ignored my question.

"Made fun of the rumor that's going on about me and used some inappropriate words." I explained and Ben rolled his eyes. He seriously was annoyed by that rumor because he knew it wasn't true and because I was his sister. Surely I was no saint and made out with some guys every now and then but it wasn't like people thought.

And all that was due to Rich that stupid bastard that happened to be my ex-boyfriend.

"Ms Harper do you want to get another 60 minutes of detention or will you be quiet now?" Mr Marble asked and I smiled at him, apologising. As soon as he looked at his laptop again I rolled my eyes and started to get my stuff out of my backpack to do my homework.

Man how I hated school.

Author's Note


You didn't expect me to post so soon, did you? But I was just too excited.

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All the love

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