date night

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"Trust me I can be the one to treat you like a lady" - Shawn Mendes

Alyssa's POV

My hands were so shaky that the mascara slipped out of my hands. I was way too nervous. And running late as well.

I was always running late when I was getting ready for going out. I cursed and picked the mascara up from the ground to apply it onto my eyelashes.

As soon as I was done and had put the mascara down, the doorbell rang. Our household help answered the door before I could.

"Miss Harper! There's a handsome boy asking for you." She yelled.

I quickly checked my outfit in the mirror - I was wearing a plain blue-greyish dress - and then hurried downstairs.

George was waiting at the door for me. While walking towards him, I put on my jacket and smiled at him. I stopped right in front of George and looked at him in anticipation.

I had to admit, he looked gorgeous but I was trying to not stare too obviously at him. I failed miserably though.

"So?" I asked. "Where are we going?"

George started laughing which irritated me a bit. What did I say that was so funny?

"What?" I asked and crossed my arms in from of my chest.

"You really don't know how a date works, do you?" George winked at me and then took my hand, leading me towards a black car that was parked in front of my house.

I didn't answer his question.

"You totally skipped the making each other compliments part. But I can't skip it. I have to tell you how stunning you are. I can't help it." He stopped and also took my other hand. "So here we go: you look amazing today."

"Today? Does that mean I look ugly the rest of the time?" I was just kidding. I knew what he meant but I wasn't going to make this easy for him.

"No. I think on some days you are beautiful and on some days you are even more beautiful." He said without hesitation and kept on walking towards the car. Smooth George, smooth.

When we arrived, he opened the door for me and got in after me.

"Thanks George." I said. "You're such a gentlemen today."

"Yup." He agreed. "Today I'm gonna treat you like a lady because that's what you deserve and what all the other idiots failed to do."

What did I do to deserve someone like George?

"So?" I tried again. "Where are we going?"

"We're having dinner. I thought we should do something classic so I decided to stick with the good old dinner."

"Sounds perfect to me."

In the front of the car was sitting a man with a men bun. He turned around and grinned at me. I noticed his tattoos and piercings immediately. I assumed we were in an Uber because he didn't look like someone George hired. Plus I didn't expect him to spend so much money on me.

"Hi, I'm Ben." The driver said and reached out his hand so I took it and shook it.

"Alyssa. Nice to meet you." I smiled at him.

"I hope George is nice to you today. If not, tell me and I'll talk with him." Ben winked at me. So no Uber driver?

"I will." I grinned back though I was kind of confused.

Ben turned around again and started the engine.

"He's our tour manager." George whispered into my ear and sent shivers down my spine.

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