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"Now we run run away from the boys in the blue" - The 1975

Alyssa's POV

On Monday I had history. History meant I had class with George. I was torn whether I should go or not until one minute before the school bell rang.

I decided that missing class for a boy wasn't worth it so I hurried into the room right as the bell rang and let myself fall down onto my seat. I avoided George's gaze and just stared down at the sheet of paper in front of me.

Though I could literally feel him stare at me from the other side of the room and though it was tempting, I kept my gaze straight down. I didn't want to see him looking at me with his disappointed eyes.

My phone buzzed on my table and I grabbed it as quickly as I could to avoid the loud sound that happens when a phone buzzes on a table. I looked down at the screen.

It was my brother.

My brother never used his phone during class. Never. School was way too important to him to waste time on the phone in class.

I opened the message holding my phone low-key in my hand under the table.

I need your help. I'm in trouble. I'm in serious trouble.
I was caught with weed in school and I'm at the principal's office, police are on their way. You need to get me out of here. Aly, I'm afraid they won't let me study at Oxford...

I quickly typed a reply. I had made my decision without hesitation.

Tell them it's mine. I will deal with it.

Benson had big plans. He wanted to study law at Oxford University. Of course the possession of drugs and carrying them with him at school would ruin any chance he had getting into Oxford. I, on the other hand, just wanted to become a musician. Musicians consumed drugs all the time, plus I didn't need excellent Highschool grades or a university degree to become a musician. And my reputation was fucked up anyway.

The only thing I didn't get was what Benson was doing with drugs. I had never seen him smoke weed or consume any other drug. He had always been the good kid among the two of us. And I didn't know when this had changed.

Are you sure? He texted.

Just do it! I replied.

I put my phone away and started packing my school bag, stuffing my pencil case and books into the rucksack. I was only waiting for my name to be called through the speakers to go to the headmaster's office.

It took exactly twelve minutes.

"Alyssa Harper is expected to come to the headmaster's office immediately." The school secretary's voice said through the speaker and literally everybody in the classroom turned around to me.

I slowly stood up, my head held high and walked to the door. As I opened it I turned my head to look at George. Our eyes met for a moment and he just stared at me motionlessly.

As I knocked at the door to the headmaster's office I felt nauseous. I was so nervous about what was to come next. The door was opened and I walked in. The headmaster, Mr Rott signed me to sit down on the empty chair next to my brother.

"Please have a seat, Miss Harper." Mr Rott said. He was in his late forties but still an attractive man with short black hair that started to become grey at the sides right above his ear.

"Alyssa." I said.

I sat down next to my brother and only noticed then that two policemen were standing next to Mr Rott.

"Alyssa, your brother was found carrying this in his school bag." Mr Rott put a small transparent plastic bag filled with herbs on the desk right in front of me. I gave my brother a side glance. His jaw was clenched and I could see small drops of sweat on his forehead. He was terrified.

"But he claims that it isn't his." Mr Rott added. "And that you have used his bag on Saturday when you went to the store. So we thought, if it isn't his and if you have used his bag, it might be yours?"

"It is mine. Benson had no idea it was in his bag. I must have accidentally left it in the bag." I said and looked to the ground. I had once read that people who were lying thought it was a sign to avoid eye contact that indicated their lie and looked the person straight into the eye instead which is the real indicator of a lie. So I just looked guiltily to the ground.

"Why are you so cooperative?" One policeman took a step forward.

"Listen." I said and held the police officers gaze because I really wanted him to know that I meant what I said. "Benson is a good kid. He has big plans and I don't want to ruin them by being selfish. I'd rather stand by my mistakes than blame them on my brother and ruin his life."

"Well that's a good attitude, Miss Harper. It's just a little bit late for that." The policeman said.

"I'm sorry."

"You know that according to the Home Office, the possession of marijuana in any form is illegal for UK residents. It is illegal to possess, grow or distribute cannabis in the UK and therefor we'll have to take you to the station with us for further questioning to learn what you did with it, how much you have and who you gave it to. We will probably also need to search your house. Since you're a minor, your parents will be informed immediately and will come to the station." The policeman informed me.

I was screwed. I didn't know how much weed my brother had in his room and if police searched our house they'd find out about our lie eventually. I was so screwed. If it was a huge amount, I was even more screwed. And Benson was as well.

"I understand and I can assure you it was for my personal usage only. There was no selling involved." While saying these words I looked intensively at Benson to tell him to go home and get rid of that shit immediately.

Oh my god, what would our parents say? If rumours spread about me doing drugs, my parents' reputation would be ruined.

"We will see." The other policeman said right as the school bell rang, announcing that class had finished and lunch break had started. "Please get your bag and stand up, Miss Harper, we're leaving for the station."

"What about me?" Benson asked and stood up as well.

"You're allowed to go home. Since we have a confession that discharges you, there is no need for us to take you to the police station with us." The policeman said and Benson nodded in relief.

"We'll come get you." Benson promised me as the policemen lead me out of the headmaster's office, down the hallway.

Since lunch break had already started, students were all around the hallway, chatting and laughing but they stopped and fell silent when they saw me, accompanied by the police, walking down the hall.

I looked to my right and met eyes with George. His eyes were widely opened in shock and disbelief and I held his gaze for a second but then broke it because I couldn't take the look on his face. He looked so sad and disappointed, it nearly broke my heart. If he only knew.

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