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"His fist is big, but my gun's bigger
He'll find out when I pull the trigger" - Miranda Lambert

Alyssa's POV

A pack of ice in a towel that I had just received from Benson in my hand I slowly walked over to George who was sitting on my bed. His eye was swollen and blue and I carefully sat down next to him before putting the ice on his eye.

"Are you okay?" I asked and put my fingers on his jaw to keep his head in position. He brought his hands up to his face and covered my fingers with his. As we touched it felt like we were electrified.

I looked into his one eye that wasn't swollen and black and he just stared back at me.

"No, the question is, are you okay?" He asked quietly, his voice hoarse and he had to clear his throat.

"Of course. That's just another day in my shitty life." I said and waved my hand as if what had happened was an insignificant matter. "Thank you for standing up for me. Though you didn't have to do that."

"Yes I had to." He insisted. "I hate that they call you ugly things like that even though it's not true. They just start believing it because they say it too often."

"How do you know it's not true?" I asked. "You saw the pictures."

His hand trailed along my arm and then back to my hand. He grabbed it and squeezed it, bringing it down to my lap.

"I just know. You don't throw yourself at guys. You barely want to look me in the eyes, not even speaking of touching. This is the closest we get," he pointed at our intertwined hands, "even though I want so much mo..."

George was interrupted by a phone ringing. He rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out of the front pocket of his school uniform. When he took a look at the caller ID he sighed.

The boys, he mouthed and answered the call.

"What's it?" He asked and I was surprised about how harsh he sounded.

He listened for a second to what the person on the phone said.

"No, I don't think that I can come home right now." George said.

"At Alyssa's house." He said and looked at me.

"Come here? I need to ask." George covered the mic of his phone with his hand and spoke to me. "Can Reece and Blake come here? I don't know what they want."

I considered it for a moment. "I don't think it's the right time."

"And if we stayed in your room? They wouldn't see your parents."

"I don't think it's a good idea with my mum sitting wasted in the kitchen." I answered resigned.

"She says no." George said into the phone and then paused shortly before he spoke again. "See, some things happened today and it's just not the right moment."

George listened to what the boys said and then turned to me.

"Who is Rich?" He asked and my face went white as a sheet. My eyes widened in shock.

"What about Rich?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Reece said Rich texted him earlier." George said hesitantly. He seemed to be really confused though I was sure that I had mentioned Rich before but George probably didn't remember.

"Tell them to come over immediately." I almost yelled because I was freaking out so much and then I added: "And that they mustn't believe anything he told them."

Long Way Home (George Smith - New Hope Club) Where stories live. Discover now