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"And I wonder if I'm in trouble with your older brother" - New Hope Club

Alyssa's POV

I know I should've not stalked George's band on YouTube and Twitter. But I just couldn't help it.

And they were so amazing. I wished to be as successful as they were one day. Though I had some covers on YouTube and some originals already recorded since we had a studio in our basement, but I didn't have any fans. People just didn't seem to notice that I existed and the number of shows I played was reduced to the number of business dinner parties my dad held.

I knew that recording in a real studio was expensive so a crazy thought came to my mind as I got ready for school.  What if I let New Hope Club record some songs in my basement.
I was kind of sorry about what had happened yesterday and how I had stormed off for no reason and this would be the perfect way to make it up to George.

Though I didn't want to admit it, I put some extra effort into my make up today and I went to school a few minutes earlier, hoping I would meet George in the hallway.

Unfortunately, I didn't see him until lunch break. But when I walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria and he walked up next to me, his steps aligning with mine, my heart picked up its pace and I had to smile.

"Hey Al." George said and my heart skipped a beat when he called me by my nickname. "Can we talk about yesterday?"

My face fell. Way to go George. Just kill the mood.

"No need to." I said and smiled at him brightly. "It was just a stupid misunderstanding. Not worth talking about."

"If you say so..." George said but I could tell that he wasn't quite convinced yet. I stopped short, excited about what I had to ask him.

"Hey listen." I started. "I checked your band out on YouTube and you are literally SO good. What am I saying? You're incredible."

"Aww thanks, I always love to hear words like that." He smiled and I grinned.

"You know that I want to become a musician? I mean, I am one but I want to do it for a living."

"Really?" He asked excitedly and continued walking to the cafeteria. Oh yeah right, I had totally forgotten that I was starving because talking to George was way more exciting than eating. "We should totally play together some time. That would be so nice."

"Yes!" I agreed. As we entered the cafeteria we lined up at the queue to get our food.

"What do you play? What instrument?"

"Guitar, Ukulele, a bit of drums and I sing." Talking with him about music made my heart race even more and I didn't know whether it was the music - my passion - or George. "Hey what I wanted to ask is, if you'd like to come to my place after school because I have a studio in my basement."

"A studio? Like for recording music?" George asked in disbelief and I laughed while grabbing the tray with food and walking over to an empty table to sit down. George did the same thing and when we had reached a table, he sat down on the chair opposite of me so he could look at me while talking and eating.

"Yes urhm... as you might have noticed we're kind of rich and my dad let it be built for my birthday last year. I spend nearly every free minute I have in it." Little did my father know that he made a big mistake by giving me the studio. He didn't want me to peruse a music career but his opinion didn't stop me from doing so.

"That would be great!" George cheered. "I'll just text Blake and Reece to come over to your place, if that's okay?"

"Yes of course!" I had planned them on coming too anyway. My parents weren't home so there was no chance that George and his friends could accidentally run into them. Only my brother was home but he'd probably do revision anyway.

Long Way Home (George Smith - New Hope Club) Where stories live. Discover now