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"The pictures that you sent me they're still living in my phone" - 5 Seconds Of Summer

Alyssa's POV

"So? Are you coming to the party?" My friend Ruth asked as she closed the door of her locker next to me. She was planning on throwing a party on Friday because her parents were in Berlin over the weekend, celebrating their anniversary.

"Is Rich coming?" I asked and stuffed some books into my locker and replaced the empty space in my bag with other books. Since the thing with Rich had happened, I tried to avoid him as good as I could because I still did not feel comfortable around him. Well uncomfortable was nicely said, I was terrified of him actually.

"I guess so. Everyone's coming and you know that Rich would never miss a party." Ruth said. Ruth was my best friend and the only one I had told about the Rich thing so far. She had never liked him, even when he had been still my boyfriend so when I told her what had happened that one night that was probably the most horrible night of my life, I had to hold her back from beating the shit out of Rich. "If you don't come, it's okay. I understand."

"I'd rather not go. My reputation is bad enough already, plus I really don't want to see Rich." I said and closed the door of my locker.

"But Al, I don't want you to seal yourself off from everybody because of the things that happened..." Ruth said and grabbed my hand to make sure I felt loved. It didn't work but I pretended that it did.

"Of course not. I just think it would be best to simply not provoke any further ... incidents." I smiled at her. "And just for the record, I'm still popular."

In that very moment two girls from year eleven walked past us and greeted me. "Hey Alyssa."

"See? I told you." I said and turned around to go to my classroom. In that very moment I spotted George in the hallway, walking towards me. No, please just no.

I looked around the hallway, searching for a way to escape but he had already reached me.

I opened my mouth to say something but then I shut it again because I remembered what had happened yesterday. That he thought that I was a slut. I didn't need those kind of people around me.

George gave me a brief look and then he walked past me. He didn't even acknowledge my presence, he walked just past me as if we didn't know each other.

I had kind of mixed feelings about this. On one side I was glad he didn't talk to me because I didn't want to have a conversation with him, on the other side I was sort of disappointed that he had just ignored me.

"Are you coming?" Ruth asked and I realised that I had zoned out again. I gave her a short nod and followed her to Art class.

• • •

When I opened my locker after Art class, a note fell out and right in front of my feet. Looking around the hallway, trying to figure out who could have written this note, I picked it up and unfolded it. Some words in a neat handwriting were scribbled down.

Sorry that I ignored you earlier, I was in a bit of a rush. What about going to my place to work on the history project?

George xx

He had added his phone number to the end of the note, probably because he wanted me to text him to agree on where we should meet after school since I had no plan where he lived. So I got my phone out of the pocket of the blazer of my school uniform and wrote him a text, suggesting that we could meet at three in front of the school building.

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