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"I can tell by the look, it's written on your face
Let's go back to my place" - The Vamps

George's POV

Everything inside me bridled at going to history class but at the end of the day I had no choice but to enter the classroom.

As soon as I entered the room, I laid eyes on her. She was sitting in the back of the classroom, talking to some friends. Her back was turned towards the door and she didn't see me at first but as soon as she heard the door closing behind me, she turned around, expecting the teacher to come in but saw me instead.

She looked at me for a brief second, then she turned around again to talk to her friends.

I sat down on my seat and unpacked my school bag. As much as I tried to not peep at her too often, I failed miserably.

She must think that I was a total creep, especially after our meeting in the bathroom yesterday.

"Good morning, class!" My thoughts were interrupted by Mr Kennedy - our history teacher - entering the room. "Today is gonna be a great day."

Everybody in class sighed annoyedly. When a teacher said that it was going to be a great day, it was definitely not going to be a great day. Man how much I wanted to be with Reece and Blake right now.

They were probably at my place right now, still asleep while my parents forced me to go to school and do my A-Levels. Seriously, I didn't need to do my A-Levels. Reece and Blake didn't have to and our band was going just fine.

"You guys will pair up and build teams. Every team is going to give a presentation by the end of next week about the topic that you will get assigned now." Mr Kennedy said and placed a jar with slips of paper in it on the desk.

"Do we get to choose our partners?" Some boy asked and a smutty grin grew on Mr Kennedy's face.

"Of course not." He said and placed another jar with chits in it on the table.

"Mr Harvey." Mr Kennedy called the guy's name who sat next to me and Tom stood up and went to the front to pick a slip of paper.

"Lauren." He read out loud and groaned because he was paired up with his ex girlfriend.

"Mr Smith." Kennedy called out my name. As I walked to the front, I was saying not Alyssa, not Alyssa, not Alyssa, there are 18 people in this class, so please not Alyssa, like a mantra in my head, over and over again.

I picked a piece of paper and unfolded it. I read the name and my eyes met hers.

"Alyssa." I said, my voice hoarse. I didn't want to be in a team with her. I didn't want to work on a project with her for more than a week. She was the school slut and I still thought that she had placed the note in my locker. I don't know why, but I didn't know who else could have done it. And why someone would want to meet me in the girls' bathroom. Of course I had heard the rumours and I didn't want to find out whether they were true.

"I don't want to be in a team with George." Alyssa complained.

"Why? Did you give him a blowie and he didn't like it?" Someone asked. I didn't see who it was but it was enough to make me blush and Alyssa mad.

"Mind your own business." She spat in the direction the nasty comment had come from. Then her eyes met mine again but I couldn't interpret the look on her face. Anger, probably.

"Too bad." Kennedy said. "Because you can't change partners."

I sat down on my seat again and just stared at my notebook. I didn't dare to look at Alyssa and I actually wasn't in the mood to see her.

I hated school so much and I hated the fact that my parents forced me to go and do my A-Levels. It was just a waste of time and Blake and Reece were probably at my place right now, still in bed and waiting for me to come home while I had to sit in history class.

So I pulled out my phone under the table and checked if I had received any messages. I had two new messages in the group chat with Blake and Reece.

Blake: Yo Nerd, how is school?

Reece: Any hot girls?

Me: Yes and I have to do a history project with her 😒

Blake: That's good news isn't it? Why are you so pissed then?

Me: 'Cause she's the school slut. She gives blowjobs for money...

Reece: Well then, take all of your savings out 😏😘

I locked my phone and let it disappear in my bag. I didn't need Reece's stupid comments. They didn't lift my mood in any way, they just made it worse to be honest.

As soon as the school bell rang at the end of the lesson, I jumped up and gathered all my things but then I remembered that I might have to talk to Alyssa to arrange a meeting.

She must have thought the same thing because she was only slowly collecting her things and stuffed them into the bag. As I approached her, she looked up but she waited until everyone had left the room before she spoke up.

"So? How much do you know about the labouring classes during the industrialisation in England?" She asked.

"Well their life... sucked." I guessed and she laughed. Why did she look so cute when she laughed? She had small dimples on her cheeks and her silver hair was cascading down over her shoulders as she moved.

"Are you free today?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Sure." I said and tried to forget the fact that we had a band meeting today. "But going to my place wouldn't be that good because my friends are staying there so we probably won't have some quiet hours."

"Can we go to your place nevertheless? I'm sure your friends won't be that annoying." She asked and hung her rucksack over her shoulder. Oh she didn't know Reece and Blake.

"You haven't met my friends..."

"Yet." She said and walked towards the door, signing me to follow her.

"What about the library?" I asked but as soon as the words left my mouth, Alyssa started to laugh.

"Sorry, you're new, I shouldn't laugh." She said. "Sorry to break it to you but nobody really goes to the library to study."

"What do they do then?" I asked as we walked down the hall and left the school building. She walked fast and I had trouble keeping up with her.

"You'll find out someday. Maybe your secret lover will show you." Alyssa said, referring to the mysterious note that I had received. I finally understood what people went to the library for.

"So? Are we going to your place?" I asked her and she stopped short.

"Don't you think that it's a bit rude to invite yourself to my place?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe.

"No." I said.

"Okay we're going to my house but under one condition." Alyssa gave in and I raised my eyebrows, waiting for her to tell me her condition. "Don't ask any questions."

"Okay...?" I asked and I somehow had the feeling that we should have gone to my place but curiosity took over and I just ignored my discomfort.

"Are you coming?" She asked and that's when I noticed that she had already started walking again and was 20 feet ahead of me. So I picked up the pace and ran after her, following her to her house.

Author's Note

I get serious anxiety thinking of next week. I have so much school stuff to do, I don't have a life anymore.

Anyway? Did you see the new cover? I feel like the boys are bigger directioners than I am haha.

All the love

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