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"Twenty stitches in a hospital room" - Taylor Swift

Alyssa's POV

I had gone to the vending machine to get the boys and me something to eat. I had gone alone and had left the boys in the waiting area of the hospital because I just needed a second to breathe.

Don't get me wrong, I loved spending time with the boys but sometimes I just needed some time for myself.

We had been waiting for approximately an hour now and so far no doctor had come to see George's hand, only nurses to tell us that we would have to wait for some more minutes.

As I returned to the waiting area, I heard the boys talking. It sounded like they were talking about ... me. I stopped short. They hadn't seen me yet because I was approaching from behind. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I was too curious to not do it.

"I think we should talk to the police." George said to his friends, his voice low. "These guys need to be punished for what they did to Aly."

"I know right? Drugging her and then taking these pictures of her without her consent. That's just way too much. That's illegal." Reece agreed but Blake seemed to be torn.

"I don't know guys. Don't you think talking to the police is a bit too much?" Blake asked. "Plus she's been involved with the police already. Don't you think it would make her feel weird?"

"She already explained that, Blake. She's not guilty of doing drugs. She just covered up for her brother. She's the victim. She has been drugged." Reece said, his voice stern.

"She was raped." George blurted out. Blake's and Reece's face fell. I decided that I should interrupt before anything else could be said.

"Hey guys, I'm back." I said and sat down next to them on the uncomfortable chairs. "Crisps, Maoam, Mars or Twix?"

"Crisps." George said immediately and grabbed the pack. Damn it, that would have been my choice. Reece and Blake still were in shock and didn't move. They just stared at George.

"Do you want to watch something on Netflix?" I asked to distract the boys from their previous talk, handing Reece and Blake the Mars and Twix bars and keeping the Maom bag to myself.

"Sure." Reece said and pulled out his phone. He still seemed a little bit off though. "What about Pitch Perfect?"

"Sounds good to me." I said and the others agreed. We all crouched around the small phone screen as we tried to get a glance of what was happening on the screen but were careful to not hurt George's hand that was resting in his lap.

As we were at the point when Jesse drops into Beca's room to show her the end of the Breakfast Club, I leaned back because I couldn't keep this position anymore. It made my back hurt. As I looked to my right to George I noticed that he wasn't watching anymore but looking at me.

To see if I was right with the assumption that he wasn't watching anymore, I started a conversation about what had just happened in the movie.

"It's so cute of Jesse to do that." I said and smirked as I saw how George was brought back to reality by my words. He must have probably zoned out.

"To do what?" He asked and I grinned. I had caught him.

"To drop into her room to watch the end of the Breakfast Club with her." I explained. "It's kind of like a date."

"Yeah, it's cute." George smiled.

"How's your hand?" I asked. He looked down at it as if he had forgotten about it.

"Oh yeah,'s fine." He said and shrugged his shoulders. God he was so sexy when he acted as if it was nothing.

"It doesn't look fine." I took the hand that wasn't injured and squeezed it. We sat there like that for some time and I wondered what we were. I wondered what he wanted us to be and I wondered what I wanted us to be. I didn't need someone who was giving me the runaround. I had enough of that in my life already. I needed someone who'd treat me right.

After a while I said: "You know, I've never been on a date before."

"You've never been on a date?!" George asked surprised.

"On a proper date? No." I said. "I mean Rich and I have been to the movies but he didn't take me and it was after we got together. So it was more like a, let's do something because we're bored. Not a date."

George leaned back in his seat. "I can't believe it."

"Believe what?"

"That you've never been on a date." George said and shook his head. What was so weird about having not gone on a date yet?

"Guys at my school don't think I'm worth being taken on a date." Oops, I shouldn't have said that because George started to knit his eyebrows and angrily looked down at his injured hand, stopping the conversation.

In that moment a nurse came over to us. Reece and Blake quickly paused the movie and put away the phone to listen to what the nurse had to say.

"Who of you is Mr Smith?" She asked, looking down at her notes in her hand. Well certainly not me.

"That's me." George said and stood up.

"We're ready to see you." The nurse said and signed George to follow her but Reece, Blake and I were unsure whether we should follow as well or not.

We all ended up in a small room where a doctor was waiting for George. An X-ray of George's hand was taken which revealed that it wasn't broken, just sprained and he got a bandage and rest prescribed.

Reece and Blake were a bit mad that George wasn't allowed to play the guitar until his hand had recovered but they couldn't change it.

"So how did this happen?" The doctor turned around after putting something down in his notes. "Did you hit someone?"

"Something, not someone." George said and blushed. "It's a bit embarrassing to say but I got mad and ... uhm hit a wall."

The doctor kept a straight face but I could tell that he tried not to laugh.

On our way out - Reece and Blake were walking in front of me and George, still a bit mad - George took my hand.

"Alyssa?" He asked." I have a question."

"Go ahead." I said, excited about what was about to come next.

"What would you say if I asked you out on a date?" George asked, being really shy suddenly.

"Well, I'd ask what time you'd pick me up and I'd probably not get a wink of sleep because I'd be way too excited." I smirked, yet I was so nervous. Was he asking me on a date?

"Oh, then I won't ask. I don't want to be the cause of your lack of sleep." George said and I opened my mouth. I softly slapped the back of his head and he immediately apologised. "Just kidding, I'm sorry. So how about Friday, 7pm?"

"Sounds amazing to me." I smiled broadly. "So where are we going?"

"I'm not telling you." George said and then walked a bit faster to keep up with Reece and Blake.

I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the evening because I had just been asked on my first date by George.

Author's Note

I'm so sorry for the wait guys. I haven't updated in ten days and I feel so bad.

But mock exams are next week and I have only studied for maths yet, and completely neglected German and English. Turns out that German is way more than I expected and now it's getting really tight haha.

What year are you in at the moment?

I'm year 12. I've only got four months of school left 🎉

All the love

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