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"One more taste of your lips just to bring me back
To the places we've been and the nights we've had" - One Direction

Alyssa's POV

I threw my phone on the bed and leaned back in my chair. I spent the last two hours first explaining to Reece and Blake why George and I had fought last night and then explaining the whole story to Ruth who was cursing the whole time. Ruth said that George was too nice and that the fact that he tried to help me too hard could ruin what was building up between the two of us.

It was already six in the evening and I hadn't heard anything from George. I was thinking about going to his house but I wasn't quite sure if I could just show up there like that after our little fight last night.

After a while of pondering I decided that it would be best to just stay home. It was crazy how I could be mad at George but long for his presence at the same time. I didn't understand it myself.

Someone knocked on the door to my room and a second later Benson entered.

"What's up?" I asked him and looked up. The look on his face made me sit up straight.

"The police just called." Benson mumbled and I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Still about that weed thing?" I asked but as Ben shook his head I furrowed my brows. I had this bad feeling in my gut but I couldn't quite tell what it was about.

"No... I don't know. I answered the phone, it was the police and they wanted to talk to our parents so I got dad and he told me to leave but I stayed inside the room and I heard him say things about rape and also about that guy Richard from our school that you used to date. So I thought I'd tell you before dad comes up and asks you questions. I don't know what this is about."

I didn't have the time to acknowledge that I probably had the best big brother in the entire world. My face must have been white as a sheet because the look on Ben's face became really concerned.

"What is it?" Ben asked, his voice pressing. "Did that Richard guy do something to you?"

"What? No! Of course not. If he had done something to me I would have told you and you would have kicked his ass." I felt bad for lying to my brother. He just had been very clever and loyal to me and I still lied to him. He deserved so much better.

"So what is this all about?"

"I honestly don't know." I wondered when I had become so good at lying.

Someone opened the door without knocking. My dad entered the room, the phone still in his hand. I guessed the police was still on the other end of the line.

"Benson, can you please leave us alone for a second?" Dad asked and Ben nodded. As Ben left, I threw him a glance that was literally screaming for help.

"The police are on the phone." My dad said. Yes I had already guessed that. "They say a young man named George Smith - your boyfriend - called and claimed that you were drugged and raped by a guy named Richard Lawley - your ex boyfriend."

I just stared at dad because I didn't know what my dad wanted from me. Why would he care if something had happened? Why would he care about me? Yet my heart was still pounding heavily in my chest.

"Is this true?" Dad asked.

"What? No! No! Of course not!"

"Then why would George assert something like that then?" Dad raised one eyebrow.

"I don't know? Maybe he's jealous? He doesn't like Richard very much." I was such an asshole.

"I trust you that you tell me the truth." Dad said and put his phone to his ear again.

Long Way Home (George Smith - New Hope Club) Where stories live. Discover now