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"Hey girl, look at my mom, she's got it going on
Ha, you're blinded by her jewelry
When you turn your back she pulls out a flask
And forgets his infidelity" - Melanie Martinez

Alyssa's POV

"Great presentation, Ms Harper and Mr Smith. I don't have any remarks. You both get an A." Mr Kennedy said and the people in our class clapped. Getting an A in Mr Kennedy's class was hardly possible and I was so proud that George and I had managed to do it.

Though I didn't care about school that much, it felt kind of nice to get great results after more than a week of hard work.

The bell rang and George started gathering his papers from the table in the front and I pulled the flash drive out of the laptop on the desk right next to George.

"Well done, partner." He grinned at me and I couldn't help but return the grin.

"You didn't do bad yourself." I said and got my backpack to pack my stuff. Most of the students had already left the classroom, only a few persons were left in the room. "By the way, my mum wants to thank you for looking after me on Saturday. She wants you to have dinner with us on Thursday but I said you were busy."

George seemed to be relieved.

"Good because I feel like I suck at pretending to be your boyfriend. And no problem. Just call me whenever you need help. I would have never gotten an A in Mr Kennedy's class without your help."

I put my backpack on and waited for George to do the same so we could go out into the hallway together. We had started to hang out on a regular basis for two weeks now, since we had started working on the history project but now that we were finished, we didn't intend to end our newly built friendship.

"Actually, I was hoping that we could keep on seeing each other?" George asked, awkwardly scratching the back of his head as we left the classroom.

"Define 'seeing each other'." I said.

"As friends." George answered and though I didn't want to admit it, I was a bit sad about his answer.

"Great." In that moment I saw someone in the corner of my eye walking up behind me and a slight second later I felt something touch my butt. I turned around, surprised and confused to see what had touched me to notice that a guy had been passing me and to realise that it had not been something but someone who had let his hand wander to a place where it didn't belong.

I looked at the guy puzzled. It was one of Rich's friends. I had only talked to him once or twice at a party, I couldn't even remember his name. Albie? Archie? Andy?

"Nice ass, Harper. How much would it be to have your nice ass on top of me?"

What happened next happened so quickly I couldn't even comprehend what was going on. I saw that George gave a jerk forwards and the guy's face made acquaintance with George's fist.
George punched that guy right in the face and blood poured out of his nose immediately.

I grabbed George's sleeve and tried to pull him back but he shoved me aside and I bumped against a locker.

"George, stop it." I tried to calm him down but he didn't even hear me, he was already striking out at the guy again but he ducked away and hit George instead. He stumbled backwards against me and before he could get back at the guy again, I slung my arms around George to hold him back.

"Stop it." I said and George turned around to me, his face furious.

"He's gonna pay for this." George wanted to rush forward again but I grabbed George's hand with one hand and put my other hand to his face which made him hesitate.

Long Way Home (George Smith - New Hope Club) Where stories live. Discover now