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Alyssa's POV

I was walking down the hallway with George after history class. Two days had passed since our break up or whatever it had been and we were doing okay actually.

Sure, it was hard for us both but we were dealing with it quite well. I mean, we were still friends and that was something, at least.

I was just about to show George something on my phone when someone tapped by shoulder. I turned around to look into Richard's eyes. My heart literally sank into my boots.

Richard must have seen how startled I was and said: "Scared? You should be."

He grabbed my hand and dragged me around the corner before I could even blink. George ran after me and grabbed Richard's upper arm.

"What the hell do you think are you doing?" George asked angrily but Rich pushed him away.

"Hands off, loverboy. Alyssa and I are having a quick chat." Richard eyed George up. In that moment I wondered how I could have ever been in love with such a monster.

"No you're definitely not." George said contemptuously. I was so grateful for George taking care of me.

"Yes we are. Mind your own business." Richard's grip tightened around my wrist and I could literally feel it bruising. I looked at George and nodded, telling him that it was okay. I just wanted Richard to let go of me and if he didn't listen to George, I would have to listen to Rich.

George let go of Richard unwillingly and told me that he would wait for me right here. Then Rich dragged me down the hallway where no students were. I was so incredibly scared of him.

As soon as we were out of sight, Richard pressed me against the wall, he was so close that I could feel his breath on my face. His blonde hair fell into his face.

"What the hell did you tell the police?" Richard spat. My heart stopped beating for a second.

"Nothing? What would I tell them?" I snapped back. "What is this all about.?You haven't talked to me in like what? Six months or something and suddenly you're going nuts. You're crazy!"

"Well on Saturday the police showed up on our doorstep talking something about rape." Rich hissed. "If I find out that you told them anything I'll..."

"You'll do what?" I pushed him away from me. "Rape me again?"

"Rape." Rich laughed. He was so disgusting. "Don't you think you're exaggerating? We didn't rape you. You didn't say no and you didn't resist."

"Because you fucking drugged me, you psychopath." I almost had to laugh because he was ridiculous. "I also didn't say yes."

"You were so fucking drunk, it's your own fault that you got drugged. It's your fault that Tom and I - as you call it - raped you." It was the first time that he admitted it and my hands started to slightly shake because I was so scared and angered at the same time.

"How would you call it then?" I asked.

"Taking a chance? You were my girlfriend back then and I took the opportunity to sleep with you."

"First of all, we had broken up a couple of hours before and even if we were in a relationship, this would not justify what you did!" I yelled at him and pushed him backwards but he grabbed my jaw.

"Listen Alyssa, I am only going to say it once and you will listen to me. I don't want the police calling my parents or standing on my doorstep because of such insignificant things. You shut the fuck up. Do you get the picture?" Rich hissed and his grip tightened around my jaw. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and I was unable to speak so I just quickly nodded.

He let go of me and pushed me backwards, then after one last intimidating glance, he left.

I leaned against the wall behind me to support myself and rubbed my aching jaw. It was definitely going to bruise and I already thought about the extra layers of make up I had to put on to cover it up.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. When I opened my eyes again, I saw George standing next to me. He looked at me, his lips pressed together, his hands dug into the pockets of his trousers.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Can you just come here and hold me for a second?" I asked and he quickly nodded his head yes before stretching his arm out for me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he slung one arm around my upper back, his other hand held the back of my head.

I rested my forehead on his collarbone and just closed my eyes. I needed his presence more than ever right now.

"Are you sure you're okay?" George asked another time.

"Yes, I just need one more second to calm down." I told him.

I needed a bit more than a second to calm down. In fact, it must have been at least five minutes.

When I finally let go of George he gave me a weak smile.

"Did you hear what he said?"

"I did." George answered. And then a grin crept on his face. How could he grin in such a moment? "You know what I also did?"

"What?" I asked. What was going on.

George pulled his phone out of the pocket of his trousers. Then he let his fingers slide across the screen. Then he pressed play.

"Don't you think you're exaggerating? We didn't rape you. You didn't say no and you didn't resist." I heard Rich's voice through the speaker.

"Because you fucking drugged me you psychopath." I heard myself say.

"You were so fucking drunk, it's your own fault that you got drugged. It's your fault that Tom and I - as you call it - raped you."

George pressed pause and I could just stare at him.

"You fucking recorded it?" I breathed. I couldn't believe it.

"That's the evidence we need. He basically confessed." George looked so happy but I was way too confused and shocked to comprehend what had happened. "Would you go to the police now?"

"I don't know. I have to think this through."

"What is there to think about?" George asked. He still didn't get my point.

"George, I can't just decide this spontaneously. I have to think about something like this." I said and stepped closer to him. "But... thank you. You are amazing."

He smiled down at me and his face came closer to mine. Before he could kiss me, I hugged him.

I loved him but I had made a decision. For now, I wasn't going to get together with George.

Author's Note


Just wanted to quickly say that in case you didn't know - I posted a new book and it's already completed. It's a fanfiction about Reece. It's called Oblivion. And it's sad. I think.

If you like, give it a read :)


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