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"My reputation's never been worse, so
You must like me for me..."  - Taylor Swift

George's POV

I still had Benson's words in mind as I hurried home. The moment he had said that he wanted to open the gate for me, I had known that he had actually meant that he wanted to talk to me.

"If you touch her, you're dead." He had said. "She's not a slut and she won't do anything with you if that's why you're at her."

I couldn't stop thinking about his words. Not because I didn't believe him. I somehow knew now that she wasn't a slut - after the two hours I had spent with her today I just had that feeling - but because I couldn't comprehend what made people at our school think about her like that.

She was so clever, funny, beautiful and amazing, how could people think she was a slut? How had I believed the rumor only two hours ago?

I unlocked the door to my house and I wasn't even halfway inside when the boys ran over to me to punish me with their angry looks on their faces.

"So? Any good excuses why you missed band practise?" Blake asked and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"I told you, I had to work on a project with a girl from my class." I said and put off my jacket. It was getting colder now that it was November.

"The slut?" Reece asked and at the same time Blake asked: "Oh you meant today?"

"She's not a slut." I told Reece as I made my way to the living room. It kind of made me mad that Reece had called her that.

"But that's what you said in the group chat." Reece justified his words. I just shrugged my shoulders and let myself fall down onto the couch. I pulled out my phone and checked Twitter just to see if Alyssa had sent me a message for some reason. She had not. Why would she?

"So what made you change your mind?" Blake asked.

"Did she refuse to give you a blowie?" Reece asked and smirked but I wiped that smutty grin of his face by slapping his neck. I don't know why but Reece's stupid comments strongly annoyed me.

"Getting to know her changed my mind. I should have never believed the rumours about her. Actually, you should never believe rumours as long as they have not been proven to be right." I said determined. "She's nice and I feel bad for her."

"Are you sure that the only thing you feel for her is commiseration?" Blake teased me and all I could do was roll my eyes. Seriously? What was that?

"Come on..." I said annoyedly. "What is that? Back to sixth grade?"

"If I didn't know better I'd say you like her." Reece grinned and pulled out his phone. "Let's stalk her on Twitter."

"YES." Blake said excitedly, bouncing up and down on the sofa. They weren't actually interested in knowing who Alyssa was or what she looked like. They just knew that their behaviour annoyed me and that was their revenge to me for missing band practise.

"I'd say we should work on our new cover instead." I stated but my suggestion was simply ignored. Reece and Blake were both staring at Reece's phone excitedly but their faces fell when they noticed that they didn't know her name.

"I won't tell you her name." I told them and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"I would if I was you." Blake said and grinned. "Because I know your Twitter password and I'm not sure what will happen if you don't tell us her name."

Okay. I was convinced.

Okay, more like I had been successfully bribed.

"Her name is Alyssa." I said but the boys just looked at me in anticipation, saying nothing.

"... Harper." I added.

"I found her on Twitter!" Reece exclaimed and quickly clicked on her profile. "Uhh she's fit."

"You didn't say that she's so hot?!" Blake said and took away the phone from Reece to zoom in Alyssa's picture. I just rolled my eyes again and grabbed my guitar, trying to distract the boys from Alyssa's twitter account and to make them learn a cover.

"What do you think about Barcelona by Ed Sheeran?" I suggested and started playing the intro of the song. I really loved it but it was hard to play.

"Damn I would take her to Barcelona." Reece said and I was so close to losing control of my temper. Reece and Blake loved teasing and annoying me but right now I wasn't in the mood. I just wanted to get that stupid cover done.

"Would you please put the phone away?" I asked. "I'm trying to do a cover."

"Oh my god what is that?" I looked up from my guitar and saw how Blake and Reece stared at the phone, their eyes widened. Blake's jaw had even dropped. Within a second I was right next to them, trying to see what they found so shocking.

"What?" I asked and tried to shove Blakes had aside so I had a better look at the phone.

"Go away." Blake said. "You weren't interested!"

"Blake!" I pushed him aside. "What is it?"

"Look at this!" Reece said.

"What do you think I'm trying? But Blake won't move." I complained.

"Because I wanna see the pictures again!" Blake justified himself.

"Here." Reece said, turning his phone around so I could see. The moment I looked at the photos, I regretted that I had wanted to see them. It was Alyssa, barely dressed in bed with two guys. You couldn't fully see her face but it was clearly her. She was obviously wasted but that did not warrant why she was almost naked in bed with two guys nor why these pictures were on the Internet.

"Is that on her profile?!?" I asked shocked and handed Reece his phone. He shook his head and I felt myself relax. Maybe this was just a fake?

"No, I found them when I typed in her name." Reece said. "But they look quite real to me."

"So much about her being not a slut..." Reece said and this time I didn't defend Alyssa.

Maybe I had been wrong about her. Maybe her reputation was true...

Author's Note

Sorry for the short update guys but hey, at least I updated. :)

I kind of miss Blake and Eden, so I'm going to read my own story now haha 😂

QOTD: Would you rather have a studio version of Medicine or Start Over being released right now?

Medicine! Medicine! Medicine!!!!

All the love


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