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"The truth runs wild like a tear down a cheek" - Troye Sivan

George's POV

I was just about to go on a walk with my dog when the doorbell rang. Since I was standing next to the door anyway, I opened it while putting my coat on.

When I saw who it was, I paused. My heart had sunken into my boots and I just stared at her. She looked different than when I had last seen her - when she was lead down the hallway by the police two days ago.

She looked exhausted, she had dark circles underneath her eyes and her skin was pale. For a second I considered slamming the door shut but I couldn't do it. Though it was what she deserved, I still couldn't do it. I was still in love with her.

Yes, it was the complete, unspoken truth; I was in love with her but she was a mystery that I didn't understand. But maybe that was what had caught my attention in the first place.

"Hey." Alyssa said and looked at a spot somewhere behind me. She slowly blinked, as if she was endlessly tired.

"Hey." I just replied the same words because I didn't quite know what to say. She finally looked at me. Her blue eyes piercing right through me.

"Can I come in? I'd like to explain some things to you. Why I did certain things. I think I owe it to you." She said, her voice sounding emotionless as if she wasn't quite here with me.

"You do." I said and stepped aside to let her in. I put off my coat, closed the door and let my dog go. She ran into the kitchen to do - I don't know what.

Alyssa followed me into the living room where Reece and Blake sat, editing a cover for YouTube. They put the laptop down when they saw us entering the room. Reece and Alyssa exchanged glances, then she waved hello to Blake.

"Do you want us to leave?" Reece asked carefully and Alyssa shook her head.

"No it's fine. Please just handle what I'm going to tell you discretely okay?" She asked. "Please don't tell anyone, especially not the police."

Police? Oh Lord, I wasn't sure if I still wanted to know what she was going to tell us.

"Of course." Blake said. "You can trust us."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again, she started to speak, looking down at her hands.

Her voice trembled. I trembled with fear.

"So as you know, Rich and I used to date. We were dating for a couple of months already when we went to a party in July. The party was at one of his friends' house and we always used to go to parties together, so it wasn't anything special." She cleared her throat. "That day we had a fight in the car on our way there because Richard had cheated on me with some girl he met at the gym.

"We both got so mad at each other that I didn't want to go to the party anymore but Rich drove there anyway and he was my ride home so I had to stay there with him. I was so mad that I got very drunk to forget about Richard. I got so drunk that I ended up kissing some other guy." She paused. "No actually not some other guy, it was one of Rich's friends."

I didn't know how to feel yet. So far, this story sounded like a normal fight between a couple. I knew what had been between Alyssa and Rich was over, yet the fact that they used to be a couple made me kind of jealous.

Alyssa continued.

"Unfortunately, Rich saw me and got even more mad." She told us. "He ran off and left me behind so I decided to have some more to drink because I didn't know what else to do. Turns out that this was a big mistake.

Long Way Home (George Smith - New Hope Club) Where stories live. Discover now