life of the party

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"Only bought this dress so you could take it off" - Taylor Swift

Alyssa's POV

I had known before the party started that it was a bad idea to go but George insisted on me coming so that's what I did. The party itself wasn't bad. Mostly because certain people - Rich - weren't present but also because the music selection and alcohol were quite good.

The thing is, most of the time it's not the party itself that is terrible but the things that happen there that make parties bad.

"Nice dress." My best friend Ruth said as I got into her car. She had insisted on giving me a lift since she thought that I went to a party was something to celebrate. I had bought a black dress that was loose fitting and ended at my upper thigh. I didn't want to look sexy. I wanted to be pretty.

"Thanks." I said and gave Ruth a peck on the cheek as I fastened my seatbelt.

"So? Are you excited to see George?" She asked and because I knew exactly what she meant, I played innocent.

"Yeah of course? We've grown really close recently." I smiled and tried to say it in the most non-romantic way.

"Yeah very close." Ruth said and wiggled her eyebrows, her gaze still pointed at the street. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know what you mean." I sang and looked out of the window. Ruth apparently decided that I was hopeless and stopped teasing me.

When we finally arrived at George's house - it was only a five minute drive - I got out of the car and knocked at the door. I heard loud music playing and I wondered if they even heard my knocking.

Only a couple seconds later, the door was burst open and George smiled at me. He eyed me up from head to toe and then looked up into my eyes again.

"You look..." he paused, probably searching for the right words. "Cute."

Okay well cute wasn't what I had expected and it wasn't as flattering as I wanted it to be but at least he found me 'cute'. Blake came up behind him.

"Hey Alyssa! You look stunning." Blake said and I smirked at George, tilting my head. George obviously had to learn from Blake. "Who's that pretty lady?"

"That's my best friend Ruth." I smiled and took Ruth's hand to drag her along with me inside the house.

"I thought I was your best friend." Reece pouted and appeared in the doorframe as well. When I started laughing at his comment he shot me a glance that could kill.

"Sorry honey. In another world maybe." I said while blowing him a kiss .

When I entered the living room I saw mostly familiar faces, kids that went to my school. So I left the living room and went into the kitchen instead to get myself a drink. I knew it wasn't the best idea to get drunk but who cares?

"We could invite Tristan or James." George suggested as we all made our way to the counter were all the drinks were placed.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Tristan and James from The Vamps?" Reece asked as if I had asked the most stupid question ever. My heart skipped a beat and I had to tell myself that The Vamps were just humans as well.

Ruth didn't consider that. Her eyes widened.

"There's no way you're friends with them." She said shocked and the boys started to laugh. "Oh my God, you're serious."

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